Tabitha:Oh God forbid....Could use my old room tho.

   Rachel enters the apartment with a laundry basket.

Judy:Oh hi Rachel.


Judy:Oh we were so sorry to hear about your parents splitting up dear.

Rachel:Oh well you know, they're just separated so you know never know we'll see.

Jack:Well I can't say any of us were surprised.Your parents have been unhappy ever since we've known them.Especially after that incident in Hawaii.

Rachel:What,what incident?.

Jack:Uh naa,no,no,no,I-I must be thinking of someone else uh maybe me. Don't you have some folding to do?.Go fold dear.Fold.You fold."Shuffles her into her room".

   Later at Central Perk.Me,Chandler and Phoebe are sitting on couches.

Phoebe:Do you want a refill?.

Chandler:No I'm alright thanks.

Phoebe:Ok Oh Ok you gotta give me a second I wanna get this just right.

   Phoebe sticks out her gut clears her throat and sniffs her nose and then lowers her voice.

Phoebe:Dude 11 o'clock totally hot babe checking you out...That was really good I think I'm ready for my penis now.

   I laugh as Chandler walks over to the wonan and talks to her.After a moment I watch as she walks away and Chandler walks back to me and Phoebe.

Chandler:Oh this is excellent.You know he coulda gotten me a VCR,He coulda gotten me a set of golf clubs but no he has to get me the woman repeller the eyesore from the Liberace house of crap.

Phoebe:It's not that bad.

Tabitha:I think the gift is sweet of him.

Chandler:Oh yeah easy for you to say you don't have to walk around sporting some reject from the Mr.T collection.

Joey walks in behind Chandler


Chandler:I pity the fool who puts on my jewelry.I do,I do.I pity the fool that-

Chandler turns around and sees Joey.

Chandler:Hi.Hey man we were just doing some uh impressions over here.Do your Marcel Marceau.

   Joey turns around and walks out without saying anything.

Chandler:That's actually good.

-February 3rd 1996-

   The next day at Monica and Rachel's apartment.Monica and Ross are standing in the kitchen.Ross is filling out a check.

Ross:Here you go you can pay me back whenever you like.

Monica:You have dinosaur checks?.

Ross:Yeah,yeah I mean you get your money and you learn a little something what's wrong with that?.

Monica:Nothing,nothing.Hey you're a cheapasaurus...I'm kidding,I'm kidding thank you I'm very greatful.

   Phoebe is standing in living room with Me, Chandler and Joey.She pulls a huge bathing suit out of a box.

Phoebe:Hey Mon what is this?.

Monica:Oh um that was my bathing suit from high school.I was uh a little bigger then.

Chandler:Oh I thought that's what they used to cover Connecticut when it rained.

I give Chandler a head slap.

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