Chapter 12

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TW: Mentions of Hitting, Mentions of Disscactiaon, mentions of Kidnapping, mentions of Virgil's Past, Language, Panic Attack, Last Chapter.

Virgil didn't want to leave his room the next morning. 

He felt embarrassed and humiliated over yesterday's events. How could he be so stupid? He not only hugged his employer but he cried while hugging him. What kind of stupid idiot was he? What if Janus was mad about it? What if he was mad that he had to help Virgil get away from those men? What would he think of the tattoo, did he know what it meant? What did Janus think of him now? 

So many thoughts went through Virgil's head, beginning to make him spiral again. It wasn't until someone knocked at the door did Virgil manage to pull himself out of his head and the bed. "Coming," he said, just loud enough to be heard through the wood. He opened the door to find Janus, obviously, standing on the other side.

"Good morning Virgil, are you feeling alright?" Janus asked him.

Virgil nodded, "yes, sorry, am I late? I didn't hear the clock. I'm sorry, I'll be down in just-"

"Virgil," Janus interrupted, "you still have plenty of time before we open. And I wasn't expecting you to be wanting to be so ready anyway."

"You weren't?"

Janus stared at Virgil for a moment, "Virgil you were nearly kidnapped."

"I know."

"You are allowed to take health days you know, mental health counts."

"I'm fine."

Janus continued to stare at him, "Are you in shock?"

Virgil shook his head, "No"

"Virgil, I'm going to say it again. You were almost abducted. Are you sure you don't want to take the day off?"

"No. I've been kidnapped before. I'm okay."

Janus didn't know how to react to that, it wasn't the answer he was expecting, "You have?" He eventually managed.

"How did you think I met Maverick? You knew something was up, didn't you?"

"I-I guess I didn't think that far into it."

"Oh," Virgil replied.

"Maverick kidnapped you?"

Virgil looked away, "It's a long story... I don't like it... but, thank you. For helping me yesterday. At the square and here. I'm sorry for the trouble."

"It wasn't any trouble," Janus assured, "Are you sure you don't want to take the day off? Last chance to get out of work for the day."

Virgil laughed, "it's okay. I like work. I like the math,"

"Ah, I'm glad you enjoy it here."

"What do you like?" Virgil asked


"What's your favorite part?"

"The spells," Janus replied, laughing when Virgil made a motion that said 'obviously' "when I was little I didn't know magic. So when I learned it, it became my favorite thing in the world. I still enjoy it now. The spells are definitely my favorite." Janus's eyes were soft as he thought back on it.

"That's good," Virgil said, "it'd be pretty weird if you had a magic store and didn't like magic."

"Well," Janus began "whoever's said there was anything wrong with weird?"


Maybe deciding against taking a couple of days off was a bad idea. 

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