Chapter 8

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TW: Needles, Blood, Needing Stitches. 

It's mostly dialogue, and I apologize but here we go

Janus's human eye danced around everywhere, trying to take in a much as it could and make up for the loss of his snake-eye. It wasn't gone gone. It was just covered. Janus had pressed a cloth up to his bleeding face with one hand, the other wrapped around his stomach anxiously. He hated not being able to see out of both eyes. The snake eye already made it more difficult than it needed to be. Why couldn't he just be normal? Why did this stupid curse have to affect him like it did?

Janus continued to make his way to Logan and Remus's house, picking up the pace slightly as the sky began to darken. He would get together with his group of friends once a week. Most of the time he was able to make it, however, whenever he was particularly busy he would have to skip. The dinner where Janus had told the others Hyde was sending letters again had been weeks ago, and since then Janus had been trying to attend as many of these dinners as he could in order to make up for the ones he had missed.

Remus and Logan were hosting tonight's dinner, and Roman and Patton had insisted on hosting two weeks in a row. Technically that meant that next week should be his turn to host a dinner, though he didn't know how comfortable they would all be with Virgil or Virgil with them or if Virgil would even want to be there or anything so that might not end up happening. Maybe he could just cook dinner at one of their houses, it would be more comfortable. Janus had the smallest house out of all of them considering most of his first floor was reserved for his shop. 

Janus tapped against the door as he arrived at the proper house. A moment later movement could be heard from inside before the door was pulled open, "Janus," Logan began, obviously slightly surprised "We were not expecting you for another half-hour"

Janus nodded, "Uhm, yeah. There was jussst something that couldn't wait"

"Is something the matter with the left side of your face"

There was plenty wrong with the left side of his face but Janus tried not to think of that as he nodded and pulled the cloth away from his face revealing the bloody mess beneath it. Logan's eyes widened in surprise, "I ran into sssome trouble. Figured you or Remus might be able to patch me up?"

"Of course, all you need to do is ask," Logan said as he stepped aside and allowed Janus to step into the house. Janus nodded again as he pressed the cloth to his face and took a seat at the table while Logan called for Remus to grab the first aid kit.

A good rule about healing magic-related injuries was that if you couldn't see it clearly and without assistance, don't try and heal it yourself. It could just make the injury worse. 

This was a rule Janus took very seriously considering half his body was covered in sensitive scales that would bruise if he so much as accidentally poked himself with a pencil. 

"Please try to refrain from moving Janus," Logan ordered as he pulled the cloth away from Janus's face and replaced it with a wet one, beginning to clean the bloody mess that his face had become. Remus was standing behind him, playing assistant nurse as he pulled tools out from a medical bag and bandages and such out from a first aid kit. Janus could faintly make out the labels on each of the tools marking them as Logans. 

It would make sense that Logan of all people had his name on each of his medical tools. Especially since he shared the house with another doctor and each of them probably confused their belongings enough as it was, better not risk it with something as important as medical equipment.

Janus watched Remus and Logan examine the damage done to his face for a moment, "This was magic wasn't it JJ?" Remus asked him with concern. Janus only nodded in response as he bit the inside of his cheek nervously.

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