Chapter 43- Back From The Dead

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Aang held his head, "but how can I save her??"

"That's a good question!" She spoke in a hushed tone now. "You need to get five things." "I'm listening old lady!" 

The old woman whispered, "you need the eye of a turtle duck, the feather of a powder eagle, the heart of a war boar, the toe of an old man, and a single strand of hair from y/n herself!" 

"How can we get these things?! Just how?!" Sokka yelled gripping his chest, "I think I'd rather skip this one out--" "we need all of us!" Toph told him, "so stop whining like a kid and suck it up!"

"Each is located in nearby locations, if you're fast enough. You can meet me back here. Remember, only two days left." The old woman carried on, "you will find the fish in the sea, the eagle on the tallest tree, the boar bathing in dirt, and an old man who's hurt." 

"Is that some kind of... riddle?" Suki face palmed at Aang and Sokka. "No dingle heads!" Toph yelled, "she JUST told us where we can find them!" "Oh," said Aang, "I knew that!"

The return back to their little camp out was quick, and Aang shared the information with Katara and Zuko. After some long convincing, eventually they decided to help, only if it benefited the saving of the world. 

The day passed on by with Aang, as the others searched desperately for the items, practicing his fire bending, his will now bent on y/n. He wanted to save her, to hold her and reclaim her lips, to tell her how much he loved her. Was that even possible now? Considering they had two days left to save her soul. 

With her feet planted to the ground Toph was easily able to find a war boar. "How do you know what type of boar it is?!" Sokka yelled to her. Currently, they were teamed up together. "Their heart beats are like war drums!" Toph didn't do much. She just twisted her leg and a loud squeal of a pig was heard. Approaching it, she grabbed the now dead pig, and turned to Sokka. 

"Yeah! Uh, boomey can wait!" The dark skinned boy placed his boomerang back up and scouted the area. "Tallest tree..tallest tree." He ends up walking into a bark, and leaning back quickly. "What was that?" Toph asked from a distance. "Wait, did you hit your head on a tree?" She started to laugh at him, "it's already hard!!"

"Shush!" Sokka screeched at the little girl. He spat on his hands and rubbed them together, before he started to climb the tree. High up in it so far, and he was looking for the tallest tree in that area. Caa-aaw

"Yeah, yeah! Hush now birdie! I'm looking for a nice tall tree!" Sokka told the bird beside him. His head whipped back and his eyes bore into the bird's soul. "White as coconut powder, you're a powder eagle all right!!" He plucked a handful of feathers from it's big wings. Realising his mistake, Sokka began apologizing as he crawled down quickly, not breaking eye contact with the bird.

When he landed, the bird still didn't move. "Hah!" Sokka laughed, "I guess I'm that intimidating!" "Why'd you say that?" Toph asked him. Her finger wiggling in her ear as she flicked her wax off elsewhere. "The bird didn't even peck me!" Toph laughed, "oh! If it's a powder eagle, that's because you kept eye contact. If you had looked away, it'd be carrying you to the tallest mountain, just to drop you to your death."

Sokka shivered and when he was out of view from the bird, they made a run for it.

The night sky was starless tonight, and all they saw was the whole moon. "Only two things?" Aang asked, "well that's okay. I'll help look for the rest tomorrow." Zuko lay on his back, taking turns with Aang to keep the fire burning.

They were all pooped. "I hope this is worth it." Katara muttered as she closed her eyes slowly, "I'm really exhausted." Falling to her side softly, Aang caught Katara, and he took her to her tent. 

It seemed as though everyone else was tired too. They all turned in, including Zuko who'd usually be up on watch, but not tonight.

[Aang's dream]

"Hahaha! Get back here y/n!!" "Nope! You gotta try harder than that if you think I'll listen!" She slipped, but Aang quickly wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent further falling. He leaned his head on the back of her neck, pressing soft kisses against her ears when ever he got the chance.

"I love you, so much flight bag." Aang smiled to those words, turning her around slowly. His lips pressed against hers in a hungry way, his hands quickly went home to her lower back, and y/n kissed him back with just that amount of passion, until she faded away into fire lilies and blew with the wind.

Aang gripped to her bracelet, the only thing she left behind just like that day, and he sobbed quietly. He was engulfed in flames, and Ozai had his arm around y/n, just as her arms were carrying a bundle.

[The dream ends]

Aang jumped up screaming, "YOU LET GO OF HER!" His fists clenched and teeth gritted, until the bald boy realised it was just as dream. He closed his grey brown eyes and lay back down, staring off at the ceiling with anger burning in them.


"I Remember" // Aang x reader \\Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant