Chapter Twenty-One

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Laylah's POV

It took me around three hours to get to Kindridas, which was a lot quicker than what it usually would've taken but I was in a rush and I made sure the driver knew that. We didn't have time to stroll our way into this. The quicker we arrived, the quicker we could start looking for Brooklyn. It had already been over three hours and the Goddess only knew what was happening to her right now. I was worried to the point where I could barely think straight anymore. This whole ordeal has made me realise than I didn't want to lose her. I wanted to be with her whatever it took, and I hope that I could persuade her to stay with me when all this was over.

Once we pulled up at the castle, the King and Queen came out to meet us and they looked at me apologetically,

"While we would love to say it's a pleasure to have you here right now, it's not under the best circumstances. Rest assured though, we have almost every warrior out looking for the General and the Commander."

I looked at Devin who gave me a small nod, so I looked back towards the King and Queen,

"Can we talk inside? We have some matters that need discussing regarding your Commander."

They both looked at me confused before nodding and leading us inside. They led us into the meeting room and gestured for us all to sit opposite them. As soon as we did, I wasted no time in voicing my concerns,

"We have reason to believe that it was Commander Warwick that kidnapped General Myers."

King Clarence raised an eyebrow at us, "Now, we admire you greatly and we sympathise with your situation but what right do you have to come here and start accusing my Commander of such a crime? Without any evidence might I add."

Devin leaned forward slightly, "May I speak, your Majesty?"

King Clarence nodded and leant back on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, "Please, go ahead."

"Juno and I accompanied Laylah back to Kindridas, while General Myers returned home."

He nodded, "We know, she told us why she came back early."

"Well," Devin continued, "We recently discovered a trail from the site of the explosives that led us to an underground market. There, we spoke to some people that said some of the weapons being sold there, came from someone residing in Kindridas, including the explosives that was used to attack the castle."

Queen Anneliese looked at Devin confused, "What has that got to do with the Commander?"

Juno stepped in to finish off, "Explosives can only be bought by someone of a high level. Now, we know that Kindridas has explosives, as does practically every other kingdom, it's common. However, Queen Laylah informed General Myers of our findings while the Commander was in the room. We asked her to check the armoury to account for all of the explosives. Soon after that, she went missing alongside the Commander. Now either it was a scary coincidence that they both went missing at the same time or Commander Warwick didn't want General Myers to tell anyone what she found, so he kidnapped her in order to keep her quiet."

The King and Queen looked at each other briefly before directing their attention back to me,

"All of that sounds very circumstantial."

I nodded, "It does, we very much admit that, but it was enough for me to come here. If we're right about this and do nothing and Brooklyn ends up getting hurt, I would never forgive myself. I can't afford to do nothing."

King Clarence looked at me curiously, "I know you're her mate. Do you love her?"

I shook my head, "No. I don't. Not yet anyway. We haven't had the chance to just be mates and if we continue to sit around doing nothing, I might never get that chance."

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