After a while, we had to break apart for air. I just stared at him. Damm it, why couldn't I just remember?  Why did I have to have Amnesia?

"Do you remember now?" he asked softly as his thumb gently grazed my cheek. I closed my eyes and willed myself to remember. I couldn't. It was like someone had ripped out a chapter of my life. Everything was fuzzy and I couldn't make it clear.

"I'm sorry. I really want to, but I can't."

He just looked at me sadly.

"I have to go. Goodbye Amanda."

He got up to leave but I grabbed his hand.

"Wait! Don't go. Stay. Help me remember what I'm supposed to remember!" I clung onto him desperately. I didn't know why, but I had a nagging feeling that I wasn't supposed to let him go. He shook his head.

"I wish I could," he said sadly "But I leave tonight."

"Leave? Where are you going?" I pushed myself off the ground and looked into his grey eyes. "You can't leave yet."

"I'm sorry. Just remember that I'll always love you." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, a soft, gentle kiss that held so many emotions. I didn't know why, but it felt like a goodbye. He pulled his hand out of mine and started to walk away.

"Oh and Amanda...remember the potion I gave you? Drink it, tonight."

Then he was gone.

He left me standing by the tree trunk besides the lake trying to process what he had said to me. Where was he going? Who was he to me? What potion? Why can't I remember?

But as hard as I tried, no explanation or answers surfaced and I was left in a pile of confusion. Defeated, I walked up to the castle just as the sun began to set. I had missed all my classes, but I didn't care. I could just make some excuse about me forgetting. I smiled. At least that's where amnesia helps me.

Just  as I was about to turn into the Great Hall, I heard someone yell out my name.

"Hey Cornwall!"

"What?" I asked distractedly, not even looking up to see who it was.

"How's Amnesia working out for you?" They laughed.

I looked up to see a girl, her face twisted into a sneer.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked.

She just laughed "Guess it's not working out too good, is it?"

"Who the hell are you? "I snapped. This girl was seriously pissing me off.

She faltered under my angry tone but quickly recovered.

"No one talks to me, Pansy Parkison ,like that," she growled.

I raised my eyebrow. "Pansy? Really?"

This made her angry and she pushed e against the wall roughly, causing me to bum my head against the hard bricks. I closed my eyes upon impact.

"Ow," I moaned.

Then suddenly, I remembered.

 Memories began to flash in my mind. Draco and I at the lake when he told me he loved me, Draco and I in the room of Requirement, Draco and I on our last night together when he chose his family over me.

My eyes flew opened.

"Draco," I breathed.

'What was that?" Pansy asked sharply.

"Nothing." I started running towards the dungeons. I had to find him, I just had to. I had to tell him I loved him too.

But just as I was about to turn the corner, Professor McGonagall stopped me.

Choices ( a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now