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i walked down random path around the school, well....i said i wasn't going to get lost but... i cant exactly remember which way to get to and entrance. i shrugged, i have to run into one some point right?

_____________a few hours later_______________________

okay.... now I'm worried, it was almost time for bed. meaning i was lost and i had no idea where i was now... ugh... i decided to just sit down where i was. i shivered, it was getting dark and the sun was basically gone. man do i feel like an idiot. Draco tells me not to go get lost but look where i am. i face palmed. i was in a bit of a wooded area, not in the woods just yet but nearly there... i wasn't trying to go any farther ether, i yawned.

i wish i had my cell phone, wait... i had a cell? I shrugged, well no point worrying about something i don't have.. or really remember... i was going to get in so much trouble... only Draco knows that i went for a walk. no ones going to say anything to the teachers ether, i sighed. i leaned on my hands... what to do... i really need to get a map of this place or something. maybe i should try to walk back to where i came from? i nodded, it was getting dark... ehh...i got up and headed back... i think, i held my arms and tried to stay warm. it wasn't to bad, but enough to make me want to be warm. after like 30 minutes of walking, i reached a path with no more trees, oh i could have kissed the ground. i sighed in relief, thank god.

"Luna!" A shout came from behind me.

i jumped about a foot, and whipped to the right, it was Draco. he ran over to me.

i held my chest. "scare the hell out of me Draco!" I cried to him.

he puffed and straightened up, "oh shut it, where the hell have you been?!" He snapped.

i raised a brow, "worried were you?" I smiled at him.

he rolled his eyes, "no Ron was looking for you, well Dumbledore the greatness needs you also."

i smiled, "since when do you care for them? normally you would tell them to find me on their own, that your not messenger." i hugged him, "thought you are my hero right now, i was lost..."

He snorted,"i bloody told you!hurry up! we have 10 minutes to get to the damn common rooms before you get us in trouble!" he ran off.

I shrugged but i fallowed. "sorry but there is no way we are-"

he pulled me threw a door way in the wall and with in 5 seconds we ended up in the hall to the common room. whoa... he dragged me along until we ended up in the common room.

"that was way cool! was that like a secret passage?" I said it running my hand over a wall.

He glared down at me, i went quiet. "right I'm in trouble..."

he rolled his eyes, "idiot.."

i giggled, "I'm going to change and shower, see you in a bit grumpy!" i headed to the rooms. i showered and changed, i had on fuzzy pj pants and a tank top. i pulled on slippers and un shrank my books and put them and my candy into my chest at the end of my bed. i headed out into the lounge kinda place, i yawned. people stared at me, wonder whats up? before i went in i stopped, my slipper was coming off. i reached down and pulled it back on.

"i really think he likes Luna now..." i stayed where i was hearing my name. "i don't know crabbe, hes never liked a girl before, how can you tell?" Goyle said it.

Are they talking about Draco and me? i blushed a little, there i go again blushing... i heard them walk into the boys hall. i peeked into the room, no one. mostly everyone was sleeping. well not everyone, but everyone was basically in bed or getting ready for bed. i sat on the couch, i rubbed my eyes. getting lost really got me tired and such. getting a few minutes of sleep while waiting on draco should be ok. i laid down and closed my eyes.

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