rumor has it

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i stretched sitting up in bed, its been a week since that man had chased me down the hall and such. ive been busy studying and keeping up on classes. it was finally the weekend, i smiled well almost the weekend. it would be after toady's classes. i had passed the quiz in my uncles class, i actually had gotten the best score below Draco, and herm that is.

i only felt bad for Ron when my uncle scolded the class, "how amusing, someone who has lost her memory has gotten a better score than 95% of the class... you all have can use it to study." he excused me, herm and Draco.

i snickered, "shes laughing at sun rise, that cant be good." river said it giggling at me.

i smiled at her, "ahh, im thinking of how everyone got detention because I'm smarter than them." I explained amused.

she looked shocked, "so your class is the one i heard about?" she snickered, "that's funny, must of the slyitherins think its super funny." she said it getting out of bed.

i copied her. we got ready in a flash. i put on my green plaid skirt, and the slyithrin sweater. i pulled on my knee high socks and my black flats. i finally put on the tie that went on the button down white shirt under the sweater and tucked it into the sweater. i brushed threw my hair and smirked. i look so cute ^^ at least i think so anyway. and that's all that matters. i grabbed my books and went to meet up with river but she was already gone, ... where did she go? i looked down at the clock. "ahhh!" i took off for class, ill be late! damn you river! i thought you would say something!


i was the first one into the last class again, not even my uncle was in yet. i smiled walking over to my seat and sat down, i opened my textbook and started reading over what we covered in class yesterday to refresh myself.

"a perfect student, im glad to say your my niece." My uncle said it from in front of me.

i gasped looking up to see my uncle in front of my desk, i stared up at him wide eyed. "you always do that, pop up out of no where! goodness... I'm glad to call you uncle also." i smiled and went back to looking at my text book.

"Luna!" herm came running up to me excited.

i looked up shocked. "herm, whats wrong?"

she smiled, "nothing wrong! you have to come to Hogsmeade "

"whats that and why?"i asked curiously.

she smiled, "its a place where everyone goes it has shops and things of the sort but they are opening a new book and clothes shop, will you go with me? Ron and harry wouldn't understand... there are boys after all." she giggled.

i smiled, "of course! two things i love books and clothing." i giggled with her, people looked at us in wonder. i guess it was a bit odd for a slyirtherin and a gryffindor to be best friends huh? well they can stick it where the sun don't shine. i smiled, "ill meet you at the bottom of the main stair case in the foyer."

"okay" she went to her set next to Ron, and started chatting.

poor Ron, i giggled and turned back to my book. i heard the chair next to me move, i looked up expecting Draco. "who are you?" it was a weird looking boy....i looked at him wide eyed... wait... its him. i nearly fell out off my chair.

"Luna, tell me how you got in." He said it trying to sound 'charming'.

what the hell? i was starting to get pissed and freaked out, stop being childish Luna. i pushed him off the chair, "stop stalking me you freak!" i snapped which grabbed the attention of the whole class including my uncle's and Draco's who was making his way to his seat.

My uncle was over to the boy in seconds, "mr. ronald....causing problems yet again?" snape waited until mr. ronald was standing to grab him by his robe and start towing him to the door. "everyone read pages 345-350 in your potions books." than he slammed the door.

i nodded, serves that jerk right.

"see i told you." Draco sat down next to me, smirking.

"huh?" I questioned him.

"you could handle him, though it was quite funny to see his face when you pushed him." He said it chuckling.

i sighed, "i nearly didn't do anything."

he rolled his eyes opening his book and looking at it with lazy eyes. i began to do as i was told, most people didnt though. the room was full of talking, i glanced around and saw herm reading and Ron passed out. there was three or four other students reading including Draco. others chatted...

My ears perked to the sound of my name, "luna's so cool." "cool?shes mean and a snake. " "not all the time, only when you get on her bad side." "every ones on her bad side, i mean shes in Draco's group for goodness sake! harry said shes trouble didnt you hear? even confronted Draco about her." "but she is rons cousin and hermiones best friend that has to mean something." "shes also snapes niece I've heard." "no way? really?" the girls gasped as the boy told them that.

i glared at my book, what children... "i heard she is dating Draco."i froze my face heat up like a fire. what? "nahhh, i don't think that's true. Draco has never shown interest in a girl before." aww... really? i was pouting in my heard, wait why am i upset about that?! "i don't know, if i saw Draco with anyone it would be her, she is like the slytherin princess... and we all know hes the prince..." princess? was that like a nick name or something? " prince?" as if one of them was reading my mind! ah! "right your a new kid, that's what we call people who fit the house perfectly. harrys like the prince of gryffindors" one explained.

ahh, i see... i went back to reading. looks like we would be studying the hair raising potion today. i sighed, it was kinda boring, i actually already knew this one. which was good i guess. it was nice to have that part of my memories back. basically all my knowledge was back, but other memories remand gone.

"you might want to spend your time turning the pages in your books instead of letting my mouths snap about." snapes voice came from the front of the room, every ones heads snapped in that direction.

i smirked at least i know he just does it to everyone. the people who had been talking looked scared, i looked back and saw that ron was still sleeping. i gave herm a look and she shock Ron who woke up and looked up at snape scared. i sighed here we go..

"when you hear your name step up to the front of the room."

3 minutes later, only me, Draco, herm and like three other students stood up front. i gave herm a look that said get ready for detentions. she smirked and nodded, she knew it all to well.

"anyone not up front will have the pleasure of getting to know you books better today after class, you all have detention." He snapped it turned to his desk.

Everyone groaned, and Ron looked pale. i snickered quietly, they should have done what they had been told.

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