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I felt damp and uncomfortable, i yawned as i woke up. i stared across the land. wow, its so beautiful. i sighed, and looked at my watch. Its 5 am, i stretched and stood up my back cracking as i did. That's right i was in the star gazer tower place, i brushed off some dirt. i should go shower, and eat before i have to face Draco. I headed down a secret path to the common room, and made it there in no time. no one was awake just yet of course, i showered and got dressed for the day. i wonder if the head master still wants to see me. i shrugged I'm sure i will get dragged to his office soon enough. I looked in the mirror, great i have puffy eyes. i did a fast simple spell to make them go away, then headed to breakfast. it was 7 am now, an there were a few people up. I ate alone and in silence, stupid Draco... and stupid me for falling for stupid Draco. I studied my potions back while i waited for my classes to begin. i wouldn't be going to potions class today. there is no way i could sit right now to him. God i am such a freaking cry baby, i noticed harry walk into the dinning hall with herm and Ron. Ron and herm waved, and harry gave me a dirty look. Personally i barely noticed them, they were always on his face. so it was just Harry's face, herm walked over to me while Ron distracted harry enough.

"Hello, Luna!" She hugged me.

"hi." I said simply.

she raised he eye brows giving me a concerned look. " are you alright?"

I sighed, " not really, but ill live."

She frowned, " you can talk to me, i am still your friend and so is Ron, well he's family but you do know what i mean."

I nodded, "sorry, but its Draco... he tricked me... he said he was only being nice because my uncle told him to." I sighed it out.

she looked shocked, "he said that to you?!"

I shock my head, " i ran into him while he was telling Crabbe or goyle."

she smirked, "i don't know Draco very well, but i can tell you what i think... boys will be like that, to act tough. to appear to be better or stronger." With that she walked away.

i sighed, why would he act like that? I sighed, i better go before he walks in or something. I got up going to the door i was half way there when Draco slammed the door open. i gasped hiding in a group of people, dashed from the group and made my way to the door. i slid out of the door and let a breath out and took off for my first class. I felt really stupid sneaking around, but i wasn't ready to run into run into Draco. It was the last class and i was standing behind a pillar. watching people go in... if i miss class i fall behind but if i go in i have to sit with him. I groaned and slid down to the ground. I'm worried about this? I have bigger thing more important to deal with... but... my heart ached when i thought of what Draco had said to his friends. But herm was right... that is something a guy would do to keep his rep up... i noticed my uncle heading down the hall toward the classroom. he is going to be disappointed if i miss class. i sighed and collected myself. i should just talk to Draco.

i walked in just before my uncle, "cutting it close today are we?" I just sighed and silently sat next to Draco.

I could feel his eyes on me, i just focused on class. class first Draco second.

Snape dismissed the class, i finally turned to Draco. i was horror struck to find his seat empty.i groaned when i finally build up the nerve-

"you know I'm over here right?" I snapped my head to next to snape's desk where Draco sat with a pile of papers, i blushed.


The room was empty besides me and him, wow people cleared out fast. even Snape was gone, Draco gave me a look that i wasn't sure what meant.

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