When We First Met

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~Santana's P.O.V~
Its been a while since that shiny goody tushu has transferred over to Mckinley High School for that under-grown porcelain doll. I mean even I wouldn't transfer to this hell hole for Brittany if I went to some school that looks like their toilets are made of gold. Well that is if I was still with her. As of 18 days ago, Brittany has decided that Artie is still the guy she wants to be with. I guess I saw all this coming though. Being with her was just too good to be true. So I give Blaine and Lady Hummel about a month or two before everything simmers down and Blaine realizes that he doesn't want to get into whatever Kurt keeps down there.

Blaine - "Santana!"
I snapped up and looked around yo see only Blaine in the choir room looking very concerned.
Blaine - "Class ended like 5 minutes ago."
Me - "Oh yea I'm guess I just zoned out thinking about how many vests a person could have." Thats a lie , I've been thinking about Brittany... as always.
Blaine - "Hey I have to swing by Dalton. I was going to give all the Warblers a ticket to the show! Do you want to come? I can drop you off for your Anita rehearsal after!"
I debate this. I mean Blaine isn't that bad. In fact he would probably be the person that annoys me the least. Plus its amazing how he could get Finn so jealous by just commenting on some performance.
Me - "Well, don't just stand there. Let's go."
Blaine smiles as I grab my bag and we head out the door together. Time to see if Dalton owns up to it's rich glory.
As Blaine pulls up to Dalton I can't help but let my jaw drop in shock. It didn't even look like a school. It was like a mansion owned by a millionaire or even a museum for British teapots. I notice Blaine is at the entrance now so I hop out and run after him.
Me - "So you're telling me that you left all of this to go to Mckinley?"
Blaine laughs - " Come on Mckinley isn't that bad"
Me - " I found a plastic toy in what was supposed to be my mashed potatoes... it tasted like chunks of flour"
Blaine - " Okay so Mckinley's cafeteria isn't the best, but does Dalton have a cheerleading team that has won six times in a row."
Me rolling my eyes - "They don't even have a cheerleading team"
Blaine - "My point exactly"
After Blaine finishes I start to hear a faint choir of voices. I'm not going to lie they sound good, even without Blaine there to lead them like a pack of queer wolves. As we get closer I notice that they are singing Uptown Girl. Which is kind of ironic if you ask me as I am pretty sure that 95% of them are gay.
We enter the doorway and it seems as if none of them have noticed our presence. I look to the side to see Blaine smiling happily. Man, he must have really loved Kurt to have moved away from all this. The Warblers were his family. Are his family. Before you know it Blaine is pulled in by this tall skinny guy. I think he's new, I don't remember him from the rest of the backup showgirls from last year. Of course Blaine starts to dance with them leaving me leaning against the doorframe and just enjoying the show. Blaine calls me in but I am in no mood to dance right now. I roll my eyes and start to head out as soon as I realized they have all followed me out to the hallway. Nick approaches me and sings as we both walk sideways then out of nowhere that same guy spins me around and takes over. I have to admit, his hazel eyes are really gorgeous. Not that I like him. I'm gay... yea definitely gay. Some other short guy approaches me and flexes a muscle. Just as I was about to shove him playfully since he is obviously not that strong, a teacher comes in and makes us move down to the next classroom. As we all rush in this mystery boy starts doing all these flips and turns as Blaine and I settle on a spot on the couch. I don't know who this is meant towards, but he winks and backs away as some other Warbler comes down the center. He keeps intensely staring down our way as the song comes to an end. I really hate to burst his bubble after this when I tell him that Blaine is taken. Actually no. I am genuinely looking forward to it.
Blaine starts to clap as I just smile slightly not wanting to give them too much credit that may inflate their ego.

Blaine - "Wonderful! As always!"
Nick - " It would be much better with you as our leading man. I'm assuming this isn't your glorious return to Dalton seeming as you brought her."
I roll my eyes and start pretending to scroll on my phone so I wouldn't have to talk to either of them.
Blaine - "No, actually we are in the musical and I reserved a whole block for the Warblers. I was kind of hoping you would come."
Nick - " Sweet! We'll be there!"
Mystery guy - " Yea once a Warbler always a Warbler right!?"
The rest of the guys part ways as the guy lurks around. I finally get off my phone as I have a feeling that something very interesting may happen.
Mystery guy - " Well if it isn't the famous Blaine Anderson. The guys have told me about you. And if I'm being honest I really had to see if this guy was really the real deal." He smirks
seriously he is just gonna kiss his ass
Mystery guy - " I'm Sebastian. Sebastian Smythe"
Blaine - "I'm Blaine... but you knew that. I'm sorry are you a freshman at Dalton I haven't seen you around?"
Sebastian smirks - "Do I look like a freshman?"
Blaine is shocked but I am not letting this meerkat smirk his way through.
Me - " Honestly you may pass for an 8th grader with a face like that"
Sebastian- "Snarky."
Me - "No it's Santana actually."
Sebastian - " I'm assuming that you are in his little choir group. When you don't look like a seductive cheerleader." He says sizing me up.
Me - " If you must know yes I am, but I always look like this thank you for noticing. My job is to keep things interesting all while looking hot. Now I'm guessing that you want a private session with Blaine followed by an autographed picture so I'll just leave the two of you alone."
Blaine - "Santana I can drop you off right now and -"
Me - "No I'm fine. I need some alone time before I walk into my doom called Rachel Berry!"
Blaine smiles and says his goodbyes and Sebastian just watches with a smirk.
I turn to him, Me - "Bye Smythe. Don't leave him up all evening Blaine. I'm sure he needs to be in bed by 8!"
I walk away before he could say anymore and prepare myself for whatever Berry plans on yapping about today.

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