Accidents happen everyday

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Somewhere in another universe...

"Yui! Have you found anything on her?" A tall woman with long raven black hair asked as she entered the office.
Another younger woman with bright pink hair and icy blue eyes now peered from above her computer. As the two met eachothers gaze the pink one slowly shook her head. Her small fragile fingers kept tapping away on the keyboard, still hoping she would find the lost signal of their dear friend.

"No...nothing. It's like she has completely disappeared."

"GODDAMNIT!" The other one yelled as she threw away her gun and knife in anger on a nearby couch. She knew she shouldn't lose her temper like that but it has already been far too long. The whole company is looking for her.

"Careful ,Ayame. Let's not lose faith. She has to be out there somewhere..."

"No, Yui." Ayame snapped, slamming her fist on the desk infront of her in pure frustration. "Those filthy nightcrawlers got her just like they got her parents!"

"You...don't know that..." Yui whispered, trying to hold back her tears. It's been three months without hearing from her. The whole base is worried sick...especially Seth. He is the one that has trained us since we were children and has vowed to never stop his search for (Y/n).

"Couldn't even leave a note..." Ayame grumbled and sat down with a big sigh. Stroking the leather of the jet black couch she sat on.

"You know her." Yui chuckled. "Like her mother ,she has a free spirit. No one could contain her."

"We have to find her soon...who knows where she is..."


(Your pov)

"This mission will be incredibly dangerous. We know that Annie is the female titan and in order to capture her we set up a trap in the titan-forest. Follow the orders from your squad leader well. Good luck. All dismissed."

Collecting my notes from my wooden desk, I sat up, still processing the information I got from Erwin. This would be my very first mission and I actually was a little nervous.

The air at HQ was tense because everyone ofcourse was scared that this mission would be their last one.

These past few days I was properly trained by Captain Levi to get the 3DM gear fully under control.
That's when I also met his own personal squad with Petra, Oluo, Gunther and Eld.

It was quite awkward at first because they didn't trust me all that much. But after a few training sessions, everyone slowly warmed up to me.

And I to them.

Especially Petra whom I suspected  she had a huge crush on the Captain himself ,often teasing her about it.

Altough the thought of them together made me a little uncomfortable...

My previous conversation with Levi in the mess hall a few days ago was already a distant memory as he was back to his usual annoying self. Barking around orders and cleaning like a complete lunatic.


Rolling my eyes I grumbled a hesitant "Yes, sir." while Petra gave me a sympathetic smile. Putting away my notes I continued my way outside along with Mikasa, Sasha ,Jean and Eren. Armin was still busy in the library with Hanji.

"It's raining!" Eren exclaimed as Jean scoffed.

"Nice to know you have eyes in that head of yours."

As the two began their 5th fight of the day I inhaled the fresh air. I loved the rain and the smells it brought with it.

Let's go.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now