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"Frère Jacques, frère Jacques, dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?" I sang while my legs swung back and forth on the metal bed.

It's been two days since they locked me inside this cell and...I was incredibly bored. The only people I saw where the ones that gave me food and water but they weren't really fun to talk to.

"Can I have a shower or something?!" I yelled out as I got up from the bed and walked towards the cold bars, resting my forehead on it.

As expected there was no answer so I sighed heavily.

"Spare you breaths for when you need it, brat."

Looking up I met the eyes of what I presumed was one of the leaders, judging by his bossy attitude and overall arrogance.
You would expect someone to flinch even a little bit when a person suddenly appears before you but I wasn't impressed in the slightest.

"Didn't know you guys even ordered your soldiers on how to breathe." I said dryly, turning around and lowering myself on my bed once again.

"Tsk, show some respect to your superiors!"

"MY superiors?! MY superiors will never stoop so low as you people, LOCKING UP an innocent person without some sort of trial!" I instantly snapped ,glaring the man up and down.

"You're going to it right now." He hissed back as he beckoned one of his little minions to come and cuff me.

Then, another tall man descended the stairs and came into the light, eyeing us carefully before also speaking up.

"My apologies it took so long but we're in the middle of ...something... so the court had their hands full until now."

After a long pause I finally obliged and let two people cuff me before guide me to my very own trial.

(Small time-skip)

Soon after we arrived in the massive hall, I was tied to a big metal pole in front of a strange old man who sat high upon his wooden throne.

"(Y/N). Correct?" He said.


"What is your purpose here?"

"None, actually. Just passing through."

The man only nodded slightly and continued with the rest of his interrogation.

"You stated you're not from this world. Care to specify more?"

"Well, I come from another dimension which is also a world like this one but at the same time different. Other foods, other technology, other people even."

Everyone was listening intently at what I had to say. Some looked frightened, some looked interested and the man in front of me was to my great annoyance expressionless. He was scribbling away on his little paper before again continuing his questioning.

"How did you enter this ...dimension you speak off?"

"Well, I am a 'Traveller ofcourse!" I exclaimed proudly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I visit other realms to gather information, technology, experience from other worlds so that we can implement them into our very own

"Sometimes I do it just for funsies, honestly." I added while shrugging my shoulders, which was hard when you are tied down against a pole.

The old mans eyebrows frowned deeply as he wrote some more lines on his document.

"Commander Erwin Smith?"

The calming blonde man now rose from his seat.

Hm, so that's his name...

"You wanted to speak before I make a descision?"

"Yes, Sir." Erwin answered and set a step forward. The raven-haired man kept glaring at me which I returned without hesitation.

With every word he then spoke my eyes grew wider and wider. My mouth slowly opened in surprise while everyone heard what the Commander had to say.

"As we found her lost in one of the titan-forests she had a glow of strength and determination
surrounding her. Weapons unknown to us she held close like she has been wielding them for years. After we tried to arrest her she showed us great skill and potential as a future member of our Corpse. She can teach us new strategies from where she comes from and we can teach her
our ways in this world. "

He paused to look at everyone present in the hall, including me.

"She can be of use. That's all I wish to say."

The old man averted his gaze from the Commander to my suprised stare.

"How do we know you are not a threat?"

"Th...there are...other ...creatures to fear more than me..." i stuttered finally pulling my eyes off Erwin. I was taken aback a little by his words but quickly collected myself again.


"Nightcrawlers...eaters of time and space. Foul beasts that feed on time itself. Once they enter the very dimension you live in... your world will be sucked dry in just a couple of days. They consume anything in their path and murder anyone that interferes with their hunger...because they mostly live between realms...we Travellers encounter them the
most." I said while old, painfull memories flooded into my mind.

Like the old man could feel my sudden pain and sadness he pushed up his glasses, closing his book with a light thud.

"Ahem, I hereby declare that this woman ,who goes by the name of (Y/N) is NO threat to our kind and will immediately be made a member of the Survey Corps untill she has fulfilled her duty in aiding us in our fight for freedom."

The slam of is small wooden hammer on his desk made me gasp slightly while the handcuffs were removed from my sore wrists.

"Tsk, let's go, brat." The raven-haired man snapped as he grabbed my upper-arm, guiding me to a
seperate room nearby the hall we excited.

"Sit down and wait for the others."


"Yes, stupid. You think our Corps exists of only me and Erwin?"

"O...ofcourse not." I mumbled to myself, pouting a bit as I sank into the comfy fauteuil.

Well...I didn't expect that.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now