Please, return to me.

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Her name barely slipped out my mouth before hearing Eren's scream pierce through the air. It was the kind of scream that sent shivers down my spine because it overflowed with such terror and pure emotion.

How in the nine circles of hell did Yeager get here?!

Breathing in slowly ,I scurried to my knees as everything around me suddenly fell dead-silent. It seemed like every sound had just been sucked into an empty void. Leaving nothing but ragged breaths and the beating of a human heart to break the unexpected deafness around me.

Gazing upwards towards the blue ceiling ,I could feel my survival-instincts kick in again while placing my hands on the surface beneath me. This ghostly slice of abrupt silence felt eerie and unnerving , almost hearing the adrenaline being released into my bloodstream.

I gasped upon realizing that even the NightCrawlers had disappeared, making my brows snap together in confusion.

Carefully I slipped the fragile pair of glasses in my backpocket before struggling to my feet.

Properly scanning the area ,it was true that I couldn't find a single monster anymore but I was not going to give up so easily.

I balled my fists and quickly ran towards the big hole in the wall from earlier. The only thing I heard were the steady pounding of my stumbling footsteps echooing into my ears as beads of sweat or blood...I wasn't sure anymore... rolled down the nape of my neck.
Some dust along with pieces of crystal came loose underneath the soles of my feet when I brought myself to an abrupt halt.

I had never seen so many NightCrawlers fleeing inside their stinking nest, pushing one another aside in an incredible hurry.

Not sure if this is because of me...or something else.

Seeing them so defenseless I could sense the muscles of my body twitching in anticipation as I grabbed my daggers once more. Twirling the weapons around in each hand I lowered my stance after the corners of my mouth curled up into a grin.


Just when I was about to shove a knife up their asses, Eren cried out for the second time but now I heard another shaking voice yelling back at him.

A softer ,female voice that strongly resembled that of Historia.

They need help...I'm so damn close.

Confusion and doubt crashed into me like a high-speed train. The dilemma fogging up my mind as I tightened my jaw.
I kept looking back and forth between the nest in front of me and the place Erens voice originated from. Thoughts scattering all over the place while trying to think of a solution.

Screw it.

With a scowl I raised my head before taking flight away from the dark hole in the wall. Aggravated that for the third time, I wasn't able to completely wipe out those beasts for good.

I manoeuvered deeper into the cave but instantly took cover when a lighting bolt struck down.
Covering my eyes from the blinding brightness I noticed the once blue crystals now changing into a more warmer ,yellow tone.

What in the seven shades of fuck...

Hot steam and the roaring voice of a titan replaced the sound of explosions and gunshots, making me feel nothing except blind terror taking in this new sight.
Dread twisted in my gut while continuing to push through the hot air, dodging giant bricks falling from above.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now