Expedition of a lifetime: part 2

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(Your POV)

"So you're seriously saying we have to WAIT here at the edge of the forest of Giant Trees?!"

"Well...apparantly we have to look out for any other titans entering the forest." Christa explained while everyone else shot up their hooks to join the other teammates above us.

When we finally arrived at the edge of the forest, some old geezers started yelling at us to get up there and help kill some random titans.

But that wasn't part of my plan.

I scrunched up my nose and scoffed. I wasn't too fond of the idea to just sit on my bum and do nothing.

"C'mon, (Y/n)! Or are you waiting for a titan to eat your ass down there?!" Jean taunted, throwing a small stick at my head and laughing when it hit me.

"OW! Shut your trap, horseface!" I hissed back, rubbing over the spot where the stick landed.

With narrowed eyes I mumbled some more cursewords, slowly shaking my head.

I internally struggled with the thought of leaving my own squad behind in order to find the central group and help them.

We were severly outnumbered and the thought of losing more people made me sick.

My instincts just screamed to take matters into my own hands.

A few other men now started yelling at me to come up, but quickly pressed their lips together as I let out a frustrated scream.

Their eyes widening as they saw me making a direct turn with my horse and gallop deep into the forest.

Knowing very well that this wasn't part of their plan, the panicked screaming and pleads behind me slowly faded away until nothing else but the rustling of the trees and the soft singing of birds was heard.

I didn't care.

I wasn't trained like they were.

I wasn't going to stand there and do nothing.

Determination and adrenaline raced throughout my body as I speeded towards the center group.

I clenched the reigns between my fingers and hoped that I wasn't too late.

After about half an hour I got scared for a second when an extremely loud noise made numerous birds fly away from the trees of the forest.

As a few fallen leaves landed ontop of my head I pulled the reigns and held my breath.

Carefully listening to my surroundings.

That was a noise round.

They must be close.

(Time-skip to when the female titan  has just been captured with the trap)

(Levi POV)

Finally we had the damn female titan captured with hundreds of grappling hooks. With a devils glare I looked her up and down witholding the urge to end her myself.

My squad served as bait this whole time and I kinda felt guilty about that...but it was for a good cause.

With narrowed eyes I observed my squad's relieved and shocked faces before leaving them behind and join Erwin to determin her identity.

Still my mind was occupied with (Y/n) and I wondered if she might've survived the attack.

Probably not...I mean...she wasn't even a full fledged soldier to begin with...

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