Part 21

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The next month was a depressing time for Sasuke. His ex-lover had suddenly had a change of heart and broke things off with him.  Things became awkward between Sasuke and Minnow. They barely had any conversation and if they did it was only about small things.

Sasuke still didn't know what he did wrong and it pained him to see the girl he loved so much not give a shit about him anymore.

She'd even asked him to stop calling her Min or Minnie.

At their next lunch stop, Sasuke became determined to set things right, or at least figure out why Minnow was so pissed.

After they had eaten their fill, Sasuke took her hands into his and rubbed his thumb across the backs of her hands.

"Minnie, please tell me what happened. I want to set things right with you again," he pleaded, staring into her eyes.

"what do you mean what happened? nothing happened," she replied.

"Minnow, you and I both know something happened. Now tell me," he coaxed, moving her hair behind her head.

Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at her neck.

"Minnie? Where's your necklace? The dragon one?" Sasuke questioned, trailing his hand around her collarbone.

Minnow pulled away from his touch in irritation, "i took it off."

"Why would you take it off? Where did you put it?" Sasuke asked suspiciously. 

"why does it matter? i left it by that lake. i just didn't like it anymore," she said angrily.

"You didn't like it anymore, huh," Sasuke said, raising an eyebrow.

"yeah, it was ugly," Min said dismissively. "let's go now," she said, standing up.

That's when Sasuke grabbed her by the neck and pushed her up against a tree.

Min struggled in his grasp and choked out, "what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" He asked angrily.

"What's wrong with me, is you." He said, tightening his grip around her neck.

Minnow kicked and clawed at his hand, desperately trying to get free.

"Now tell me," Sasuke said, leaning in closer,

"What have you done to my Minnow?"
A/n: this book is coming to an end 😳

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