Part 15

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Soon enough, Sasuke woke up and allowed Minnow to get some rest while he tended to the fire for the rest of the night.

He couldn't help but admire the girl who was curled up on the floor directly beside him. His eyes traveled over her sleeping form with a tender shine in his eyes. The way her wavy, pitch black hair fell effortlessly around her face. The way her eyelids slightly fluttered in her sleep. The way she slightly cuddled into the soft fabric of his cloak as she took gentle breaths.

Sasuke found himself reaching his hand out to gingerly move the hair out of her face. As if he snapped out of a trance, he quickly pulled his hand back.

Why was he feeling all these things? He thought he had been mostly over his feelings for her, but seeing Min in front of him like this drove him crazy.

Sasuke took a deep breath and forced himself to look away from her.

When Min finally woke up a few hours later, the two of them set out on their mission to the village with exploding people.

"How far is it," Min whined, trudging her feet.

"We're not too far, it won't be much longer."

Sasuke glanced at Min in amusement every now and then, watching as she would pick up fallen flowers from trees and pluck the petals.

The two of them sat down for a few minutes, taking a break for lunch. Sasuke couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle while he watched Min. She had mostly finished her food and was befriending a toad that was sitting on a small rock nearby.

She pulled a few drops of water from the air and gently placed them on top on the toad's head, who closed his eyes in enjoyment.

"Awww you're a handsome boy aren't you? Yes you areee~" she cooed softly, tenderly petting under his neck.

Sasuke stood up, "its time to go now."

Min groaned before she picked up the small remaining part of her rice ball and placed it in front of the toad.

"This is for you~" she said sweetly before washing her hands and continuing on her walk with Sasuke.

After a few hours of walking silently beside each other, Sasuke gained a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He moved his arm and nudged her in the side with his elbow. Min looked up at him, who was staring straight ahead, pretending he hadn't just nudged her side.

A smile graced Min's face as she bumped into him with her shoulder. Sasuke immediately retaliated by pushing her head gently.

Min caught the hand he pushed her head with and held it out straight to prevent him from hitting her with it again. The pair stopped in their tracks as they stood facing each other with a smile on each of their faces. They stood a few inches from each other and Min was looking up at Sasuke while he was gazing down at her.

Suddenly a newfound boldness overcame Sasuke as he interlaced their hands and leaned in towards Minnow.

Minnow clutched on to a small part of his cloak as she leaned up to meet his lips. Time seemed to stop when they could feel each other's hot breath on their lips. Their heartbeats sped up as their lips barely brushed against each other, when suddenly a bunch of screams were heard followed by an explosion.

Sasuke and Min groaned and immediately pulled away from each other and ran off in the direction they heard the sound coming from.

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