3: A Threat.

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More talk about Kaida's mom coming up!

Thoughts are know like this - 'thoughts'

Flashbacks will be slanted and said in Third Person POV.

There will be references to the other book Angel Come Home I made about Angel meeting her mate and having Floss in this chapter!



"What do you mean gone?" asked Snotlout. "Vanished. Into thin air," said Hiccup. It was the next day and we were with the gang telling them about the Light Fury we saw the night before. Yeah, and we were also cleaning up after dragons. Fishlegs ran over to Hiccup and I. "What do ya think?" he asked expectantly. He showed Hiccup the card he drew trying to match the dragon we saw. I looked over at the card. "Nope. Stubbier ears and no dorsal plates."

"Okay, got it," said Fishlegs. He left from us again and Eret came by chuckling. "What a night," he said. Angel and Toothless were playing but Toothless started slobbering and came over to Hiccup nudging him while Angel sat next to me looking at him. "Bud, what has gotten into you? What is all this slobbering and panting?" asked Hiccup. "Isn't it obvious, he's in love~" said Astrid. I looked to Angel. "Did you do that too?" She snorted as if mad I accused her of something and turned around walking away a bit. "Sorry Angel!" I jumped onto her hugging her.

"Trust me, relationships are nothing but pain and misery," stated Hiccup. Astrid hit him scoffing and I laughed. "What did I just say?" he asked. Toothless laughed. "Careful what you say Hic," I said getting off Angel. "At least say it while she's not around," I whispered to him. We laughed but then was hit by Astrid. "Dang, you got good hearing," I complained rubbing my arm pouting a bit. She laughed at us. Toothless walked away from us. "Am I not enough?" asked Hiccup. He then ran away so we both looked at him.

"I think that's a no," said Tuffnut. Toothless had ran over to two other dragons, Deadly Nadders, dancing around with each other. "Was Angel like this?" Hiccup asked me. I shrugged. "I wasn't there remember? Who knows how Angel acted with her mate," I said. "I'm surprised she didn't leave you," said Snotlout and I punched him.

Fishlegs came up to us again showing the card. "So, what do you think?" he asked. "You know what, just trace your Toothless card and make it white," said Hiccup. "You could've led with that!" accused Fishlegs walking away. "Can you believe it? Toothless has a girlfriend," said Astrid. "I never took you for a romantic. Like ever," said Hiccup to her. She scoffed. "But it's so sweet. I mean look..."

We all looked to see Toothless kind of dancing around and rubbing on his shadow. Angel snorted and I nodded slowly looking at him weirdly. Tuffnut chuckled. "Okay, that's just sad and weird," stated Tuffnut. "I mean it is a bit romantic..." I said trying to lighten it up a bit. "Nah. You better do something," said Ruffnut. "Seriously? I'd rather shovel poop all day than watch that," stated Snotlout. Hiccup put his tool down. "Alright." He stood. "Let's head back to the woods and see if we can find her."

Toothless stopped licking the wall then turned to us happily stomping. He ran past us to the woods and I was gonna go with them with Angel but decided not to. Also, cause Tuffnut stopped us. "Ah good idea. Kaida, you stay here. We need a little privacy." He said. "Uh..." trailed Hiccup looking back at Astrid and I standing next to each other unsure. "Ssh. It's boy talk," stated Tuffnut. "Come on, let's go work this out." We both just shrugged and watched them leave.

I looked to Astrid. "Well, Tuffnut just kidnapped your boyfriend." She laughed. "Sure he did. Now, help us finish up here," she said. We finished up cleaning and grooming and now I was in my room looking through some old things while Angel was playing with Floss downstairs.

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