2: Dragon Utopia with New Dragon

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Here we go again!


Kaida's POV unless said otherwise.



Hiccup and I followed behind Gobber into the rowdy Great Hall with Angel and Toothless following us.

"Point is you two can't keep bringing dragons back here. Ah!" Gobber ducked from a dragon. "Come on boy!" Snotlout ran pass in front of us playing with a dragon. "You're just asking for trouble," stated Gobber. Hiccup stopped us just in time to let the wild baby dragon run pass in front of us followed by a man. "No you don't, you little thief!"

"Those trappers are getting closer and closer by the day," said Gobber. He lifted a dragon's tail and we all walked under it. "We can handle them. We have the Alpha. Ain't that right bud?" asked Hiccup taking an apple. "And let's not forget the Alpha's closest companion, the beta, right girl?" I threw a fish to Angel and she took it barking.

"Would you look at how happy they are?" asked Hiccup. "This is how it's supposed to be. Vikings and dragons living in peace. Hiccup and I did a pretty good job," I said nudging Hiccup. "Yeah. Gobber, relax. We did it. The first Dragon-Viking Utopia," stated Hiccup. He threw his apple to Toothless. I stepped over some small dragons laying down and was careful of the other ones running around. "We made the dream a reality."

"Both of your dream, maybe, mine's less crowded and more... Ah!" He jumped looking to see a Hobgobbler in the cauldron of food. "Sanitary," he said. Hiccup and I shook our heads. "Gobber, you aren't fooling anybody, we know you love them," stated Hiccup. Toothless jumped onto the cauldron and snorted at the little dragon making it scared and go away. I laughed at this then pet Toothless head. Angel nudged me wanting some affection too so I pet her as well.

We walked up to the table with everyone else. "You're supposed to be the generation that leads us into the future," said Gobber sitting down. He sat in between Hiccup and Astrid while I sat next to my dad. "Tell em Aron!" said Gobber. "Gobber's right. This seem like it's gonna be a bit too much for you guys," said dad. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Too much? Please, nothing is too much for us," I said smirking towards Hiccup. He looked at me and smiled.

Tuffnut threw a fish at Snotlout but missed. "Ha-ha! Food fight!" Now him and Snotlout threw food at each other while Ruffnut was feeling herself. She was all on the table posing. Tuffnut threw a chicken at her helmet making it stick. "Watch the hair!" She got up and joined the fight. I just watched everything go down while Fishlegs fed Fishmeat in a little chair.

[Aww that's cute.]

Some food was thrown at Gobber's face making me snicker. "Ugh. Thor help us." He wiped it off. "Time to stop worrying about problems out there..." He put an arm around Hiccup and Astrid then brought them in close. "And start sorting out the ones right here," said Gobber. "Okay okay. I'll think about it," said Hiccup. I giggled. "You need to start thinking about your future as well Kaida. Like think about what's next for you. You've achieved your dream and lived it, but... now what?" questioned dad. I glanced at him.

[He's right. I've been around Hiccup so often and worrying about dragons that I haven't ever thought of myself. Hiccup is gonna eventually marry Astrid and move on, my friends are finding love but what about me? What do I do?]

I sighed and picked at my food. This isn't the first time I had these thoughts. I just always wondered who I was meant to be, where will I be in the future and if I'll find someone for me.

(Okay to explain- Kaida knows that she's Hiccup's best friend and the dragon mistress but what she doesn't know is what her life would be like if she didn't run away. She feels as if she left a part of herself and is trying to figure what that is. She wants to know who she was supposed to be and what that path would've looked like for her. She also wants to know what her future will hold and if she'll still be on Berk with Hiccup or not. Makes sense? If you're confused, ask in comments or you can even dm me.)

HTTYD: The Hidden World (writing/revising)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن