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August 2018

Colby sat in the empty seats in the arena, he watched the production team put together the set for the night. Insuring all of the lights were in the correct places, the cameras were all where they would be able to capture every moment of the night.

He looked in the ring and saw the tiny little girl with beautiful brown hair sitting in the middle on Rebecca's lap.

Rebecca and Colby had been friends for years at this point, she was always there for him whenever he needed anything and he liked to think he was the same for her. Whenever she needed him, needed any advice or just needed someone to yell about out of frustration he was there.

After Sophia, or Sophie as she was more commonly known was born in 2013, Rebecca had just come over from the states and had just started training at the performance center.

She met Bethany first, the woman was a makeup artist with the company and in a very committed relationship with Colby.

She had just gave birth to the little girl a few months prior and Sophie was constantly with her mother, which meant she was almost always around the talent.

When Bethany began to slip slowly into a downward spiral, and then completely fade away from the picture the entire roster took the little girl under their wing, they adopted her as their own.

They all helped Colby the best they could to raise this little girl to be a decent human and helped him "not screw her up" as he called it.

Colby watched the two girls in the ring closely, Rebecca had really stepped up since Beth had been in jail for the last year.

He walked up the steps slowly and slipped into the ring, sitting in front of the two.

Rebecca moved Sophie to her lap as her hands worked in the little girl's long brown hair

"How many buns?" Rebecca questioned

"Two.. braided ones" Sophie answered quickly

"You pick the hardest hairstyles you know that?" Rebecca questioned as she put the little girl's hair in pigtails before beginning the braids

"I know You can do it or I would pick easy ones" she said and Rebecca smiled

"I think we should let daddy do your hair"

"No" the little girl shook her head as she looked at her father

"Hey!" Colby whined "why not?"

"Cause you're horrible at it.. you pull my hair"

"I do not" Colby shook his head

"Do to!" The little girl argued "you pull my hair when you put it in a bun"

"You pull away from me every time I do it"

"Cause you're not gentle like Becca" Sophie said and Rebecca looked at Colby with a laugh

"Mark that down as another thing you're better at I guess" Colby threw his hands in the air

After the situation of Sophie's hair was situated, Colby had to go get ready for the night and Rebecca was needed in hair and makeup which meant the little girl went to the next logical place.. her uncle Jon.

"Sophie just listen to me" he said as he looked at the paper "If you have one finger up and then you add four more fingers how many do you have?"

"Ten" the little girl said again and he shook his head

"How are you getting ten from that?" He questioned

"Because I have ten fingers" the little girl held up both of her hands and he put his head on the table and shook his head and he looked up to see his wife laughing as she looked over her notes for the show

"Alright smartypants" he nodded "Fair enough" he said as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet

Colby walked up to the table and watched his friend pull out cash from his wallet.

"If you have one dollar" Jon handed her a dollar and she took it with a smile "and I give you four more" he handed her four more dollar bills "How many do you have now?" He asked

"Five" the little girl nodded quickly and Jon looked at her with wide eyes "How did you figure that out so quickly?"

"Because one plus four equals five.. right?" The little girl questioned "I can count"

"Good job" Jon nodded as the little girl picked up her pencil and wrote the answer down on the paper "Now give me back my money" he held his hand out

"You just said you gave it to me" Sophie held the cash close to her

"It was an example" Jon said

"It was your biggest mistake" Colby spoke up with a laugh

"I like homework like this" Sophie nodded "Next question" she said quickly "100 plus 50" she held her hand out to Jon

"Yeah nice try kid, Not happening" he shook his head 

Raising Sophie - BrollinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora