16 Again

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"Rome please stop. Not right now." I said as Jerome started kissing my neck and rubbing my thighs. All it takes is one sentence for this nigga to get started.

"Why? You don't love me no more?" He said between kisses. I rolled my eyes. Why does he always have to bring love into everything?

"I do I just-" I started.

"You liar! I know you're lying Leah!" He said as he pulled away from his attempts to satisfy me. He drew his hand back and I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the strike. After 10 seconds of him not doing anything I opened my eyes. He was just frozen in his pose. "I c-can't do it. I just can't." He said putting his hand down. "Not after the first time."

That drew me back to when he first hit me. About 2 weeks ago. It was when I came home from my day with Ty. I didn't make it clear who I was with, he'd been drinking, and I started getting smart so his hand started dumbing me down. The red handprint on my face is starting to clear up but on my stomach he used a belt so those welts are still there. I know you're thinking, 'why the hell are you still with him?' but it's for a number of reasons. I have no where to go. I'm not working for myself, and I live with Rome. If I go to my mom, all I'll hear is I told you so and I don't feel like hearing that shit. Plus...somewhere deep down in my heart, I love him. Even if it's a mere 30% of the way. He got me back on my feet. Back on the confidence and happiness level when I was down from what I'd left in Compton and my dreams not coming true.

"It's just, my dad used to do this to my mom. And I was confused because he said he loved her all of the time but he was constantly hurting her. It's how I inherently adapted how to love someone. It was all I knew." He said laying his head in my lap. If I haven't heard this damn story a jillion times!

"Mhm I hear you..." I said. My phone vibrated but I don't think Rome heard it. "Rome?"

"Yeah babe?" He responded looking at me from my lap.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. He lifted himself up and nodded his head. I grabbed my phone and went to the bathroom, locking the door.

- Text Conversation -

Ty: So can you come?

Leah: Idk, tomorrow he's off

Ty: Why you let him control you like that?

Leah: I told you we weren't going to discuss him

Ty: I know but..ok whatever

Leah: ...

Ty: So can you come?

Leah: Yeah I guess.

Ty: You guess?

Leah: yeah

- End of Conversation -

I sighed. Guess I'd have to come up with some maniacal plan. I flushed the toilet and turned the faucet on to prevent suspicion. I walked out of the bathroom to see Rome fast asleep. Great. Now to create and execute my maniacal plan.

"Yes sir...Tomorrow at 6:30....Ok. Goodnight." I hung up the phone in Rome's office. I'd created a business dinner with one of his clients to get him out of my hair. For the rest of the day, I'd have to just sit around with Rome and play house.

I looked in the bathroom mirror as I tended to the welts on my stomach. I'm surprised I'm not so hurt about this. I was hurt at first but it happened a bit more often and I got used to it. Looks like I can't wear anything to showy tomorrow.


"Bye!" I waved Rome and his clients off as they drove away. I threw off my robe and uncovered my outfit. Rome couldn't know I was leaving out. Especially not dressed the way I was. It wasn't bad but for him it was terrible.

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