You're Gonna Get It

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I opened my eyes to see Jerome less than half a foot away from me. His arms were around my waist and both of our bodies were bare so I knew it was the same as any other night: I'd fake it until he just gave up and collapsed on top of or beside me. Some nights I tried but when he would really be an asshole and he'd yell at me or something, then I'd just lay there and stare at him until he gave in.

I tried to move out of his grip but he tightened it making my back arch in pain.

"Where you going?" He sleepily muttered, eyes still closed.

"Somewhere." I said, attitude full blast.

He squeezed me tighter. "Where you going?" His teeth were now slightly gritted and I knew he meant business and I'd better shut up.

"Bathroom." I said quietly. He hesitated and then let me go turning over. I walked over to my dresser that contained my underwear and then grabbed a bra and a pair of panties. I headed to the bathroom and set them on the counter. I grabbed a pregnancy test from under the sink and then sat on the toilet. This had become standard procedure. One time, the tests kept saying positive except for about one or two so I went to the doctor. He said I was pregnant and then two weeks later called me back telling me to disregard the results and I was a bit too depressed to be stable in my pregnancy. Rome overheard the phone conversation since they called the house phone and he blew up in rage. Not only did I not tell him I was pregnant, he was trying to figure out "how the fuck I could possibly depressed when I get everything I want automatically." But that's a different story for a different time.

Negative. Both tests had one little line. I took two just to be certain. I made sure I left them on the counter so that Rome could see the one line bright and bold as day. Now, I wasn't hiding anything from him. I got in the shower and let the steaming beads jet down onto my body giving it sort of an aggressive massage. I washed my hair and then body and then got out after about five extra minutes of letting the water hit my body. I dried off and applied fragrant lotion to my body before putting on my undergarments. I towel dried my hair and didn't feel like blow drying it so I left it natural.

I walked out of the bathroom letting the steam that had built up release into temperature area. I could feel Rome's eyes on me but just ignored him as I walked over to the closet. I grabbed a sheer white button up and some jeans and a nude colored romper.

"The romper." I heard from behind me.

"But I'm just going to the grocery store and then.." I stopped myself. I couldn't tell him the other place.

Yesterday Night|7:45 p.m.

"You should come and visit your dear ole' Mama down here in Compton. It's just me and Shirley." Shirley was Mama's best friend. They were practically sisters.

"I know Mama. I want to but," I looked around to make sure there was no sign of Rome. When I came to the conclusion the coast was clear, just to make sure I lowered my voice. "You know how Jerome feels about me going to Co-"

"Well Jerome, Mr. Almighty Great and Wonderful, can kiss my ass. If I want to see my daughter, I should be able to no matter what some rich 'superior' jackass has to say." She said.

I gasped at her language. "Mama!"

"I know, baby I'm sorry. He just gets to my nerves! I don't know why you're still with that son of a-" She started.

"Because Mama I... I love him." I said quietly.

"It sure seems a hell of a lot like you're trying to convince yourself more than you're trying to convince me." She said. She was sorta right. I was quiet on my line for a bit. "Leah, baby?"

"Yeah I'm here." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stir up any bad thoughts or anything." She admitted.

"No, no you're fine. I just- I'll be there. I'll try to come early or on my way from grocery shopping." I said.

"Ok baby." She paused. "Leah?"

"Yes Mama?"

"I just want you to take care of yourself. I want you to be happy. That's all. I want you to be happy and successful at whatever you do you hear me?" She said.

"Yeah I hear you." I heard Rome's office door open. "I love you Mama." I said.

"I love you too Leah. Bye now." And with that, she hung up the phone.

Back to Present|10:50 a.m

"The romper." I heard from behind me.

"But I'm just going to the grocery store and then..." I stopped myself. I couldn't tell him the other place.

"And then?" He asked.

I had to think fast. "And then to Janelle's house." Whew, that was close.

"Janelle? Haven't heard that name in a while." Janelle was some uppity bitch Rome tried to get me to befriend. He thought getting me friends would make me more grateful and happy and shit. You can see how well that went.

"Yeah well...we're getting back in touch today for brunch." I nodded confidently. He nodded back. Good, he was buying it. "You still think the romper?"

"Yeah." He got out of bed, still naked as he walked over to me. "I want my baby to look good when she's out running errands." He pecked my lips and then kissed me again just more sensually. He pulled away. "Because when she's out," he whispered on my lips. "She's representing me." He began walking away and I rolled my eyes.

"Everything is about you." I mumbled.

"What?" He stopped in his tracks.

My heart rate increased. "I s-said I love you." I said quietly.

"Mhm." He walked to the bathroom and turned the water on. I sighed and put on the romper and some nude heels. I slicked my hair back into a ponytail and decorated my neck and arms with gold jewelry. I grabbed my purse and put all my things in there. I then made up the bed and laid out Jerome's work clothes. I tried to wait a little longer for him to get out the shower so he wouldn't go off about me disappearing but he was taking what felt like forever. I decided to just go in there and let him know.

I opened the door and was instantly greeted by a cloud of steam and cologne smelling air.

"Rome." I called out. No answer. "Rome!" Finally I just pulled the curtain back. There he stood with soap and drops of water all over his body. As the beads of water hit his chest and biceps, his muscles effortlessly flexed. Have mercy. My throat had suddenly chalked up.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

" I'm about to go so...yeah." I said.

"Wait a second." He rinsed off all of the soap and then turned off the water. I noticed water had gotten on the floor since the curtain was open and I guess I wasn't the only one who saw it. "You're cleaning that up later right?" He asked. I mentally rolled my eyes since he was looking at me.

"Sure. Oh yeah what'd you need me to wait for?" I asked growing impatient. He dried his back and chest and then tied the towel over his waist. He slowly walked over to me before placing his hand on my cheek and kissing my lips. His other hand was on my waist which had moved down to my backside which his caressed as we moved our lips in sync. He pulled away from the kiss and then grabbed ahold of my behind with two hands pulling me closer.

"When you get back," he kissed me in between sections of his sentence. "You're gonna get it." He said. He then slapped my ass and motioned me out of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, in a good way this time. Sometimes, I actually liked his freaky side.

~ Ok so, I know you're probably wondering when Tupac's gonna come in so I'll let you know that it's soon. By the way, in this story, Aaliyah and Tupac are 25 and Jerome is 30. Ok? Ok. Also, I know it's horrible but can you guys lie and comment that it's good? Lol thanks ~

- |Elise Marie|

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