The Last First Kiss

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Hey guys! I want to know how you guys are doing & how your summers have been. Feel free to privately message me or just write it on my board... I think wattpad still does that lol. But anyways, to the story!


The next few days were a breeze. I felt like I was at home again and I could be comfortable and I didn't have to try to be someone I wasn't. With Rome, he accepted me for who I was but the thing was, when I was with him, I wasn't my true self. But now with Ty, I feel like I could be anybody and he'd love me the same. Wow. Love. That word feels so strong to me. Of course I'd said "I love you" to Rome over the years but I never knew how much I didn't mean it to Rome until I said it to Ty.

Two days ago...

"And I!!! WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUU!" Dana belted as her young, straining vocals filled the house. I laughed as I realized Ty and I heard this song too much when we were together. She was giving a killer performance by rolling around on the ground, doing lunges when long notes came, and wiggling her index finger towards the sky when trills and riffs occurred. Ty and I were laughing extremely hard at this young performer which may sound lame but if you saw her you'd laugh too.

"Thank you, thank you." She bowed as the song came to a close. She was out of breath and the area where here forehead meets her hairline was damp and curling up. "I will now exit to my dressing room." She said with a British accent even though I thought she was portraying Whitney Houston. She sashayed upstairs and into her room at the end of the hall as her ears were filled with ending laughter and loud, obnoxious applause from Ty and I.

"I swear that girl is crazy." Ty wiped tears from his eyes that had begun to sprout as his lungs and diaphragm grew tired of the aching chuckling.

"I see." I coughed a couple of times before breathing heavily with a few chuckles here and there.

"She get it from her mama." Ty playfully sang. I laughed along with him. "But seriously, her mama is crazy as hell. She acted like she ain't want us in her life but when we left her, she start being all stalkerish and crazy and shit."

I thought back to when Ty first told me about Dana but told me her mother wasn't really active in her life. "Well what exactly did she do?"

"I ain't wanna seem like a loner and I ain't want Mama to be worried about me, so I tried to date a lil' bit." He said, eyeing me the entire time. Deep down, it hurt that he had moved on but so had I. I couldn't fault him because guilt was on my side too. "Every time I thought I had a potential serious relationship, here this bit-...girl come. She'll come talking shit about how Dana is her daughter too and she deserves to see her and if I take that right from her she'll get me in jail so she can have Dana to herself. But I ain't ever letting that happen. I know exactly what she wants from Dana. You'd think it would be a mother-daughter relationship like most people who haven't lost they damn mind. But nah. She wanna use Dana to get money. You know, like use her--agh." He face palmed as he thought about the things that Dana's mother wanted her for. I scooted closer to him on the couch and rubbed his back. I kissed his head and continued to soothe his spine, rubbing in circles.

"It's alright Ty. You're safe now. I gotchu. You already know I love Dana as if she were my own. That little girl stole my heart the first day we met." I smiled to myself as I remembered that day. He came up from his face palm and looked me in my eyes.

"You right. I do know that. That's why I hate myself for not making you her mother. You don't know how bad I felt after she was born and her mama started acting like that. I just...I wish you were her mother. She deserves somebody like you to hold that title. You're extremely worthy of and qualified for that title. And this is only one out of a thousand reasons why but that's why I love you. I love you Aaliyah."

My heart raced as my palms got sweaty and my mind filled with a bunch of memories of us. The first time he said that to me, the last, our first time, our last, our first kiss, and our last kiss. And after that, I realized I had to be with him. I just had to. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. We were meant to be together and who the hell was I to try and fuck up destiny? I wasn't letting him go this time.

"You don't have to say it back if you do-" I interrupted him by crashing my lips onto his. As our lips caressed each other's, our tongues intertwined and began to dance while our heads bobbed. There were sparks. There were definitely sparks. But they've always been there. And they're not leaving this time. It'll be the death of me before that happens.

Out of habit I crawled onto his lap and straddled him. He went right along with the program and placed his hands on my hips squeezing them every now and then. I held his neck tight and we continued to lock lips holding each other as close as we could never wanting to let go. I felt his bulge knocking on my door but right now, this was about love. I could get that later if I wanted to.

"Ew! You guys are gross!" Dana yelled startling us both. I quickly pulled away and jumped off of Ty's lap and onto the couch cushion where I was originally seated. I looked down blushing while he rubbed the back of his neck flashing a Kool-Aid smile as he sunk into his seat. Dana ran off making fake upchucking sounds. I looked around the bend where one of the half-bathrooms she had ran to were to make sure she wasn't coming back anytime soon. The coast appeared to be clear.

"I love you too." I quickly turned to Ty and kissed him long and sensually once again. I looked into his eyes and then got up from the couch as I grabbed his hand. "So this  will be our last first kiss. Because I'm not letting you go this time. I promise."

~ I know this was short but I am absolutely in love with this chapter. I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself lmaooo. But anyways, comment, vote, share, & all that jazz. :)

- |elisemarie|

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