A Day in Orange: Part II

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"So you haven't talked about any mix tapes, being a back-up dancer, or at least being in a commercial. Wassup with that?" He said taking a sip of his water.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "It's a long story."

He flashes his million dollar smile, "I got time." My heart skipped a beat.

End of Recap

"Well..." I started. Just then, the waiter came over to take our order.

"Hello. My name is John, I'll be your server today. What can I get you all?" He gave a big smile.

"Can I get the Famous Cinnamon Bun and a side of bacon, please?" I asked.

"Sure." He nodded and smiled after he wrote everything down. "And for you sir?" He looked at Ty.

"Uh, I'll have the pancake combo. Eggs scrambled. Bacon." Ty responded.

"Would you like the side of fruit sir?" The guy wrote down his order.

"Yeah." Ty said and picked up his menu ready to give it to the waiter. I did the same.

"Alright. It'll be out in a jiffy!" The guy exclaimed taking our menus.

I just continued to sip my water and I could feel Ty's eyes on me. "Girl, don't think that just because the waiter came you can't finish answerin' my question." He said.

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Fine...So, when I left, I was 18. I was auditioning everywhere I could. I'd gotten a small apartment somewhere off in the distance and was working part time at a coffee shop to keep a roof over my head and some chump change in my pocket." I paused to sip some water. Ty smiled. "I would go to the audition, and give everything I had. You know I mostly wanted to sing but if I had to do a commercial for paper towel, then so be it. I was craving any sort of attention to possibly get me out there and it just, wasn't working." I took in a deep breath. "So one day, I was doing a commercial audition and there was this guy there. Suited up nicely. He was the guy just under the rank of a CEO. He worked at an advertisement company. So I gave the audition everything I had, and since the audition gave immediate feedback, the news was given. 'We're sorry but-.' That was all I needed to hear. I ran out of the room and burst into tears. When you work so hard for something that fails constantly, it sucks the color out of life." I said looking away at nothing in particular.

"Here are your meals!" The waiter brought out our food. "Enjoy."

"Thanks." I called after him. I said a quick prayer and began eating. I didn't want to talk about this with Ty anymore.

"You gon' keep talking or..." He said. I stuffed my mouth with a piece of the cinnamon bun.

"Hphadkkkubvg." I said. He just smiled a bit and continued eating. Well, that bought me the rest of the time we spent eating.

After we were done eating and had paid the bill, we decided to take a walk along this one river trail.

"I am stuffed." I patted my stomach. Ty smiled and shook his head.

"It's nice out here." He looked around at the scenery in awe.

"I know right." I said following his eyes.

"You come out here often?" He asked. We took seats on some large rocks.

"Nah, not really." I said. After that it got pretty quiet. "So uh...so then after I went into the hallway bawling my eyes out, the advertisement guy came after me..." I trailed off. I looked at him and he seemed confused. "The story from the restaurant." I said. His eyes widened as he realized what I was talking about. "He came and comforted me. Telling me the people were jerks and I had great talent. It was the first time I'd gotten attention sense," I paused. "Well, sincere attention anyways. But after that he gave me his number and we started going out. He was great. He wined and dined me treating me like a real-" I could feel Ty tensing up. "Treating me nice." I quickly changed it. I looked over at Ty. I saw a change of emotion in his eyes. They went from the start of outrage and jealousy to sadness and depression. I grabbed his hand and looked away. "And now we're married." I said quietly. As I kept my head turned, I could feel his eyes burning holes into the side of my neck. He gripped my hand tighter.

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