Christmas pt.1

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I woke up buy an annoying voice.
"Get up its Christmas morning!!!" Blake's squalling woke me up abruptly.
"Go away!!" I yelled snuggling into my pillow. Next thing I knew a scent came into my airways. What the heck, or more like who the heck is that.
"Vincent who's here?" I asked.
"Don't get mad, I told Ace to come, I totally didn't think he would bring Presley." He confessed
"It's her? I thought she was a werewolf?" I asked.
"She is?" He's confused.
"She doesn't smell like it" I told him.
"I smell she is" he's now even more confused.
"It's probably too early for me. What time is it.?" I asked.
"5:30am" he told me.
"Oh god" I groaned.

I went downstairs. I had a craving for blood I took a package from the fridge and sucked it down not caring who saw.
"Gross" the bitch sneered.
"Shut it I could be drinking your blood. Not that I would want that aids infested shit anyways." I snarled.
"Whatever" she waved.

I finished the blood and went to brush my teeth. I tried as much a possible to avoid Ace. After I brushed my teeth Blake hounded me.
"come on time to open presents." He begged
"Can I at least get a cup of coffee?" I asked.
"Fine." He reasoned.

I made me a cup of coffee in my large blue mug. I sat in my living room floor watching Blake's eyes light up more than the Christmas tree. We opened our stockings first. I stocked the boys while the guys stocked mine. I got mostly candy And I gave mostly candy. Blake was the first to open a gift. I don't even know why the Bitch and Ace were here. They were just sitting around on my couch she was all snuggled up to him.

Blakes eyes widened in shock when he opened the present I gave him. It was a picture of him and his mom he thought he lost in the fire but I had a copy his mother gave me.
" you get this?" He stammered
"I don't know" I shrugged playfully. He grabbed me into a hug and I heard a low growl. It came from Ace. I just rolled my eyes he could care some other day. Vincent opened his present next. It was a watch, I noticed he doesn't wear one and I suck at gifts so I bought it for him.
"Thank you love" he smiled at me. I just nodded. Vincent handed me a small box. I was afraid to open it.

"Will you step outside with me for a while please?" He asked.
"Yea sure" I said he grabbed the small box and walked me out of the house into the back yard. He got down on one knee. Oh no, not this anything but this. I wanted to run but I was glued to my place. He opened the small box.

A small gold band with a sapphire heart sat in a velvet box.
"It's a promise ring," he started, "I promise to be the best mate possible, to protect you, to cherish you, and to hold you forever. And to one day whenever your ready to marry you, will you promise to one day be my wife?" He asked. I wanted so badly to say yes. But I couldn't form words into my mouth. I just nodded my head. He smiled brightly and placed the small dainty ring on my left ring finger and it shone in the sunrise. He stood up and gave me a small kiss and we walked back inside.

We finished opening presents and as Ace was beginning to leave I handed him his present. It wasn't anything special. It was a silver, not real silver just white gold, chain with black pendants. Our hands brushed and sparks flew from where we touched.

How is this possible, I get that they are twins but I can not have two mates. His eyes darkened and he leaned in to kiss me. As our lips met, someone cleared their throat. It was Presley can she just vanish. He pulled back and glared at her. She was stomping her foot pissed apparently. Well oh well,

"What?!" He spat.
"We are leaving" she stomped
"Bye" he waved and grabbed my hand and walked away from her.
"You got thirty seconds to leave or I'll drink you dry." I threatened.
"Oh please" she scoffed. I bared my fangs, her eyes widened in shock and she left faster than I could say blood. I chuckled and Ace let go of my hand and we sat on the couch.

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