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4 weeks later-

Only 3 more days till Christmas, me and Vincent have been spending most of our time together he would sometimes go out and do some work, and I went to work as well. It's only 2 days till my birthday and I can't wait. I can finally meet my mate. Yay. Me and Vincent have became what i would call friends. We sometimes kiss or hold hands but that's about it.

I'm afraid I might like him. But that's a different story. He has been helping with this blood luna thing and has gave me information as soon as he found it out, he's also help me control my anger. Ace and the bitch are still together. I can't stand to see them together but that is his choice not mine. I can't control him he isn't mine.

Vincent told me on my birthday, I will transform into a vampire and have cravings for blood. Not ok, I can't hunt, I can't even kill a fly. Me and my grandma have been talking and she said she has a surprise for me on my birthday and I can't wait. I have been the best I've ever been since my mom passed.

I'm currently getting ready to go to the hospital. I brushed my damp hair and brushed my teeth. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a thick maroon sweater. I got on my maroon vans. I grabbed my moms necklace and pulled it from underneath my shirt. Something told me today was going to be a good day. I don't know what it was but Its gonna be grand.

Vincent was downstairs on his phone talking to someone and he looked pretty into the conversation. When he hung up after a hateful goodbye I opened my mouth.
"Ready?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled.
"Yea" he answered. We got to his car and I climbed into the passenger side. Settled in and buckled up, Vincent drove to the hospital. My heart rate increased. I looked at Vincent once we pulled in the parking lot.

"Are you mad?" He asked,
"No why?" I asked.
"Your eyes are red." He stated.
"Oh, I'm really happy, that's probably why" I said giddy. I closed my eyes and opened them back up. Vincent nodded telling me it's gone. I've gotten good at masking it, its pretty easy actually.

I opened my door and got out. Vincent joined me at my side, he intertwined our fingers. I smiled up at him and led him through the light hallways until we got to the door were it seemed to behold something amazing. Vincent squeezed my hand and let go. I opened the door and pushed it with my other hand. My heart stopped when I saw him.

"Blake?!" I screeched my dark haired friend looked at me in disbelief.
"Mace?! What are you doing here?" He asked. I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly.
"I always come see you at least once a week. Usually on Tuesday" I smiled, "when did you wake?" I asked
"3 days ago, rather late. I've been out for almost a year." He sighed.
"I missed you so much, I came and spoke to you every week, tell you what he did." He stiffened when I mentioned him," it's alright I'm not living with him anymore." I confirmed. He instantly relaxed.
"Who are you staying with now?" He asked.
"Myself, mom left me a house." I smiled.
"Great! Who's this?" He asked eyeing Vincent.
"He's friend?" I more than asked. To be honest I don't know what we were.
"Oh cool" Vincent came over and shook blakes hand.
"When will you be leaving?" I asked.
"Today actually, but I don't know where to go exactly" he shrugged.
"Come live with me." I suggested, his emerald eyes lit up.
"Ok" he beamed. I need this, I need my best friend.
"I'll tell you what happened later." I told him referring to him, but not wanting to discuss it in front of Vincent.

A nurse came in shortly and handed us his dispatch papers, I signed them knowing his parents are gone and he has no one else. They handed him his clothes he got changed quickly. I hugged Vincent for giving him a ride.
"No problem" he smiled. We walked to his car and Blake settled into the back.

Blake had nothing, his house burned down before he went into a coma, he lost his parents and that's when the truth came out, about my dad. He went to confront him and he beat him. We got to my house and I showed Blake to his room. It was still pretty Early in the day and Vincent offered to take him shopping for some clothes. I pulled him away
"Why are you being so nice? You don't even know the guy?" I asked.
"I see he's very important to you" he smiled sheepishly, I stood on my top toes and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek. His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. I smiled, thanked him again and watched as the two boys left me to myself for a while I decided to make dinner. I made Blake's favorite. Shrimp and pasta. I cooked the shrimp and let the pasta bake as I went and did some chores. I cleaned up around the house did some laundry and clean my room. I made the pasta with some Alfredo sauce, I put some Parmesan cheese and put foil over so it didn't get cold. I made a bunch of shrimp. I love it, I ate a few, oops. I set the table and made some sweet tea. It's mine and Blake's drink, it's all I ever give to Vincent and he never complains so I guess he likes it. A short while later the boys came laughing about barreling through the door like they own the place. Blake stops almost immediately when he smells the food.

"Oh Macey you shouldn't have" he smiles at me in the kitchen.
"Dinner is almost ready." I smiled at them. The went to the room beside mine and settled Blake in. They packed all of his things away.
"Dinners ready!" I screamed and poured tea into our cups. I platted the pasta and added a lot of shrimp on top. I made three and placed them on the table. The boys came sprinting down the stairs just before I sat down.

Vincent's pov an hour earlier~

Me and Blake were at the mall shopping for him.
"What's between you and Mace?" I asked
"I was her only friend, she was bullied but being the popular kid I was, everyone backed up once i stepped in. We've been friends since I can remember. She's more of my sister than my friend, she's been trough a lot and I wasn't here when she needed me most" he sighed defeated.
"It's ok, I was here." I smiled jokingly.
"What's your deal with Macey?" He asked. I'm not going to lie to the man

"I like her, like a lot, I don't know if she feels the same but I know she will ok on her birthday, I have a twin. A stupid, arrogant, dick of a twin, I know she likes him, but I have a feeling she likes me also but I don't know. He got with some other girl. After he told me he liked her. I was pissed but I couldn't get pissed she needed me, I like her so much it's not even funny" I confessed.
"She needs some one like you" he patted my shoulder.
"Thanks?" I laughed. He joined.
"What did you mean by I know she will on her birthday" he blurted. Did I say that?
"Uh, me and my brother know that she Is our mate." I smiled sheepishly
"Whoa, you and your bother?" He gaped.
"Yea it's very common that Twins share a mate, mostly male twins." I confirmed.
"Oh, god" he chuckled.

Maces pov~
We ate dinner with small talk and stuffing our faces. After dinner Vincent said he had to go somewhere and he will be right back. We nodded and he left
"Spill, what did that bastard do?"Blake demanded As soon as Vincent walked out.
I told him everything, about all the beatings, even the blood Luna stuff.

"A lot has happened, im sorry you had to go through it alone." He apologized
"It's not your fault Blake" I encouraged.
"I love you sis" he nudged me.
"Love you too bro" I slightly pushed him.
"Well I'm going to hit the sac I'm really tired." He yawned "thanks for dinner macey see you tomorrow" he smiled and ran upstairs. My Christmas tree sat in the left corner of the room. I bought some presents for Vincent and one for Ace if he decided to come here. I know I got my hopes up too high but ya know a girl can dream. Vincent put some gifts under the tree for me, he's so nice.

I needed to go shopping for Blake tomorrow. The door opened and in strolled Vincent.
"Hey" I greeted. He didn't say anything back he just came straight up to me. I stood up, he pulled me into an embrace. Ok? Don't know what's that for.

I just hugged him back. After a short while he let go,
"sorry" he apologized
"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
"I heard what that bastard did to you, i didn't mean to, I was in my car and I felt your sadness and I listened in not expecting what's to come out of your mouth, I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped, I'm sorry" I don't know if he was sorry for eavesdropping or for what he did to me.
"It's ok" i smiled, "I'm going to take a shower, go to my room and wait for me?" I asked. He nodded eagerly. I walked into my room with him in tow

I grabbed some underwear and a sports bra,  and a long t-shirt what went down mid-thigh, Vincent laid upon my bed. I got into the shower, and washed my thoughts away. I got out and changed. Throwing my hair into a braid I walked out and felt Vincent's gaze on my legs. Maybe not the best choice. I shuffled to the bed and Vincent shot up.
"I'm going to take a quick shower be right back" I nodded and slipped under the covers. In no more than 7 minutes Vincent came and knocked on my door. I told him to come in. He was shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants. Damn he made sweat pants look like a pair of designer jeans.

I ogled at his naked chest, his sun kissed skin, and lickable abs. I shook my head at my thoughts. Vincent chuckled and my cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. He snuggled into bed with me. My face in his chest breathing in his musky scent. I found myself falling asleep. He whispered something, but due to my sleeping state I didn't catch it. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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