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Trigger Warning: May contain sensitive topic such as death, sex, profanity, harm, drugs alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.


Launcelle Vyralen meets an FBI agent Loudon Riege Rosco who makes her heart flutter as she gets to know him day after day until he asks her to cooperate with him uncover their group of clubs' human trafficking mastermind.

If she does help him, a rape victim of her own father herself, she will be acquitted of her crimes, and her romantic fantasies with him may come true. If not, she will be a good daughter to her adopted mother, the owner of their club, whom she owes a lot from and she doesn't want to betray.

My Typecast Midnight THE ENCHANTRESSES #5 Soon To Published Under EPPTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon