Her Childhood Part 2/2

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After the red haired pirated left, Luffy started acting stupid, so she would attract less attention. Luffy had to start talking and smiling more often. It was strange for Luffy because she didn't know how to do that excessively. at first the people of the village thought it was because she broke down after watching her idol leave her.

One day, her grandfather came back from HQ. His granddaughter wouldn't stop talking about being a pirate. He was never there long enough to know what happened to her in the village. However with her wanting to be a pirate he decided the village was to soft for her.

So now here we are, Luffy was being dragged up a mountain by her grandfather. "Were are we going granddad. I wanna go back to Makino, she was nice." Luffy fake whined to Garp. She kept up her act, because not even her grandfather could see through the facade she put up. She was good at acting but letting people in to see behind it, was harder then she ever wanted to know.

"We're going to a place were you can get stronger, that village has made you soft. Living in the mountains will toughen you up." Garp informed Luffy. They continued their trek up the mountain, with Garp holding Luffy, until they got to a small shack on the mountain.

Garp let go of Luffy to knock on the door. When Garp put Luffy down she began to run to numerous different plants to scope what she could use to survive here. However Luffy was still aware of everything going on, so when a very manly women started shouting Luffy made sure to pay attention to what was being said.

Luffy didn't learn much before getting spit on. What she did learn however was that her granddad was an idiot, and she was very happy she didn't turn out like him. She definitely got the good genes in the family.

When she was spit on she put an angry face on to keep up her act. She had noticed he was holding a pipe, must have been his weapon of choice. And he was on a dead boar so he must have been strong. Luffy repeatedly told the boy she saw that he should apologize. As she did this she remembered her granddad saying something about a boy named Ace, this must be him.

"Oh! Luffy, I see you've met Ace." Garp said after being alerted of his presence. "Hey Ace, how've you been." Luffy had to suppress a sigh.

Luffy fake huffed out of annoyance, but was then ushered inside. However on enter the bandits inside that didn't hear what was happening tried to mug her. "Give us all your money." One of the bandits.

"I'm a kid, I don't have any money." She responded with little fear.

"Then bring us to your family." The bandits continued.

"I have a grandpa." Luffy states as if its obvious.

"Well who's your grandpa?" The bandits finally asked.

Before Luffy could answer someone else did. "It's Garp." This cause the bandits to release the girl.

"What?" Every asked at once.

"The kids grandfather, is Garp." The short man who was outside repeated as he pointed at the girl. All the men around her scattered.

She was shown around the little cabin and then it was dinner time. She was given a sing bowl of rice, and she was ok with that, she could make a garden in the back and make the food she liked. "Can I make a garden in the back, meat isn't exactly my favorite, and one bowl of rice won't do much for a growing lady." Luffy spoke as if her situation was normal.

"sure kid, if you can find seeds and make them grow then you can do whatever you want." The gruff lady known as Dadon spoke calmly.

"I suppose I will have to make do with hunting some meat then." Luffy sighed out . "Damn, I guess I'll start doing that tomorrow." Another sigh.

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