Her Childhood Part 1/2

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She was always alone. The other children of her village didn't want to be around her because she was so mature. she always found an answer when there was a problem. Not only that, but she was unnaturally strong. She once punched a tree near the village when she got angry, the tree snapped in half afterward. She was also incredibly smart. Her favorite pass time, was reading books. But what kept people away the most, was her eyes. They were so purple, they looked black, and when you looked into them it felt like the little girl was looking into your soul, but they were so cold, all of this hid the sad and alone she felt most days. Her eye's were always calculating her next move, and what the people around her will do.

She could read people so incredibly, that she knew exactly who to stay away from in her village. It's how she knew Makino~Nii was someone she could rely on. She lived at the bar with her Nii~san because her grandpa was never around. She never really showed people how she really felt, but Makino could read her like a book.

"Luffy dear." Makino said getting Luffy's attention. "Could you go to the market and pick up supplies for dinner?" Luffy gave a curt nod of her head turning towards Makino to look her in the eye. "O.K. I left the money on the counter, go ahead and be careful." The young lady said calmly as she watched Luffy walk out the door. As she watched the fleeting figure of the girl, slight worry shown in her eyes.

~The Market With Luffy~

"Hey, look at that." A mother with her child said pointing at Luffy. "Isn't she that monster child." She asked someone near by.

It was supposed to be a secret. Nobody was supposed to know, so naturally, everyone knows (Albus Dumbledore). Being the daughter of the world's most wanted man, had some undesirable challenges for Luffy.

"I heard she killed some wild bears with only a finger." Baseless rumors Luffy doesn't care to correct. It wouldn't do her any good to begin with, they already fear her enough.

Luckily Luffy managed to get the supplies for dinner without a hitch... Until she was on her way back.

"Hey freak!" A boy yelled at Luffy. The girl stopped and looked at the boy unfazed by his insults. "What do you think your doing walking around town, like you aren't a monster?!" Luffy looked at the boy still, with her eyes calculating him, yet her face never changed from cold indifference.

Suddenly, but not unexpected by Luffy, a group of children surrounded her with rocks in their hands. "Get her!" The boy that first confronted her ordered the other children. All the children threw their rocks at Luffy each one hitting her dead on. Sadly for the children Luffy did not scream in pain, nor did she let out a single whimper. Her face never changed, she would not give them the satisfaction of knowing that they are causing her pain. She would not let them know that their words affected her. She would not let anyone know they hurt her. Instead, she would wear a mask of cold indifference.

When they were done throwing rocks at her and left, she walked home. As she walked, with blood falling out of her cuts, she never faltered. She walked home with poise and grace, not batting an eyelash at the crude looks she got on the way. She caries her bags and went to the bar to greet Makino.

~Back At The Party Bar~

"Oh my god! Luffy what happened." Makino asked in distress, while rushing Luffy's side.

Luffy turned to Makino with a blank look and said, "nothing worth mentioning." Then turned to walked up the stairs.

"Don't you dare walk up those stairs young lady!" Makino ordered in a commanding tone. "Get over here, and let me treat those wounds!" Makino ordered. Luffy obeyed with much hesitation and walked back over to Makino.

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