The Sea Restaurant And a Chef

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~Luffy's P.O.V~

As we sailed along rather peacefully, I got a bit bored. I went below deck and found the cannon balls. Bringing them onto the deck everyone turned to me as I carried them to the cannon. We were all currently sailing in a corral reef.

"What's that Luffy?" Ussop asked.

I turned to him. "I want you to shoot at that reef over there. If you hit it first try, I may give you something. I don't know yet." Luffy ordered.

Ussop turned the cannon and aimed at the reef. 

He hit it spot on. The reef began to crumble to the ocean floor. "Well done Ussop." Luffy complimented. "Everyday I want you to practice fireing your sling shot and surpass your limits." The girl ordered.

The boy began crying and asked. "Why don't you order Zoro to do the same thing?"

"Because Zoro would do it no matter whether I ordered him to or not." The girl responded.

They were interrupted by their ship being attacked. When looking at the attacker it was a man with a scabbard. He was upset because they had attacked him.

Before things could escalate Zoro stepped out of the kitchen of the ship. "Johnny? Is that you? Where's Yousaku?" Zoro inquired.

The man looked up. "Big bro Zoro, is that you." The man confirmed. "Partners sick, and I've been trying to take care of him, but he just keeps getting worse!" Johnny said frantically.

After he said that, he brought his fighting partner on board the boat. Both Nami and Luffy looked over the man, Yousaku, Luffy thought. He had scurvy. A common illness when sailing the sea. Nami was the one to voice this thought, and order Ussop to give the man some limes.

"This is why I've been searching for a strong chef, I just don't know where to find one." Luffy said. In truth she had already planned all of this.

"We can help you." Johnny piped in. "There's a sea restaurant where all the chefs are pirates." He finished.

"Good. Take us there, we'll be hanging around for a week, At this sea restaurant." Luffy responded.

They sailed for a few hours before they finally saw the ship they were looking for. Before they got there however a marine ship fired at them.

Luffy looked at the ship while yawning, then she used her devil fruit and the cannon ball hit the marine ship instead. "Why must you be so incessantly noisy. I was awoken from my nap because of such trivial things." Luffy said as she watched the ship sink to the bottom of the ocean.

They soon pulled up to the restaurant, just in time to watch a chef beating up a customer. He was blond with swirly eyebrows, and he only used his legs. He was what the Neko wanted on her crew.

"Looks like I just found our chef." Luffy stated lowly so only her crew and the two bounty hunters could hear.

They stayed for three day before Luffy got the signal she was waiting for. For those three days they mainly stayed on the ship, but she managed to find time to talk to both gin and Sanji, as she had learned that is the cooks name.

However she soon had to go because on the third day when it had become dark, she felt Thatch being stabbed.

She turned to look at Zoro. "Remember what I said, I have to go, I'm leaving you in charge until I get back. Take care of everyone." Then she jumped and disappeared.

Zoro then turned to the crew. "Prepare for when she gets back, captain will be bringing a big ship along with her." Zoro stated to everyone on the ship.

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