Buggy The Clown

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After Luffy finished her life story she spoke. "You may see me disappear sometime soon, When I was telling that story I told you about the mission I gave that dog two years ago. I'll be feeling it soon, witch means I will have to leave on short notice. I may also bring the ship here. You have been warned, so please don't freak out." She finished with a serious face.

Currently they were just drifting. Luffy sadly lost her compass when the whirlpool struck. She didn't have time to look smart or teleport out of it, she could only hop in her barrel and hope for the best. Pretending to be an idiot had its pro's and cons, not being able to look smart in front of strangers is one of the cons.

"Do you know were we're going?" Zoro asked suddenly.

"Sadly, no. I lost my compass, and I need it to know were we're going. Right now we're drifting and hoping for a miracle. Also on the last island I didn't have time to restock the boat so we are low on food."Luffy responded.

"What the hell are we supposed to do then?" Zoro requested.

"Like I said, Hope for a miracle." Just as she finished speaking she heard a bird chirp. "Hoping has brought us fruit." She said as she pointed to the bird. "Fallow it, it will lead to an island." She spoke smoothly still pointing.

As she said this Zoro began paddling the boat after it.

"You have fun, I'll be hitching a ride with the bird. See you there." After she said this she did her backflip and disappearing trick. She appeared on the birds back without it noticing.

Because he saw this, Zoro, began rowing faster to keep up with the Neko girl.

When the bird flew above the island Someone fired a canon ball at it. This made Luffy fall off the birds back. She decided to teleport close to the ground do the fall didn't hurt to bad.

She just had to land in the middle of some chase. Note the sarcasm. Time to play stupid. "Who the hell just shot a canon ball at me." She spoke as she got up. It was more of a statement than a question. "I don't care what anyone says, what just happened to me, was awesome." She said with a serious face. As she looked around she noticed three men, and one orange haired girl, that appeared to be running away from the men.

"Hey boss. Thanks for saving me I'll catch you later." The red haired girl ran away after that.

'So, you used me as your scape goat. Not a bad plan.' Luffy thought as she closed on of her eyes as she analyzed the situation. 'But you chose the wrong gal to mess with.'

The men stared at her in anger. "So your the boss huh?" The first man spoke. and next this she knew the men were setting out to attack her.

"Huh? I'm whose boss now?" Luffy question. She didn't have much time to react and simply punched all three men in the face, consequently knocking them out. She almost pulled out her staff. she whipped some sweat from her brow and whistled. "Whew, that was a close one."

Next thing she new the girl that set her up was calling out to her. "Wow, you're really strong. Thanks for saving me back there." The lady said, clearly still acting.

"You can thank me, by helping me get some food in my belly." Luffy prompted simply.

"OK, I'm sure I can find something for you to eat." The red haired girl responded.

They ended up going to a random house, and the red haired girl made the Neko something to eat.

"I never did catch your name, do you mind telling me?" Luffy asked the lady.

"No, I don't mind My name is Nami. A thief, I just got done robbing those pirates when they started chasing me."

"Alright Nami, Do you mind telling me why what you did out there was dangerous." Luffy said calmly as she folded her hands in front of her, glaring at Nami.

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