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Let me explain, my computer that I normally us to type this up with has been down for quite a while and all I can do is stare at it. To make matters worse I've been fondome hopping so I can't even remember how one peice works right now because I have Fullmetal alchemist on the brain. Not only that I have a great idea for a new story but I want to wait until I have more chapters for this one typed up and ready to go before I even begin to think about it. It's too late though cause now it's all I can think about  so I'm sorry that it's been so long and I only caught you attention so you could read this, but I figured y'all would want to know that I will still be updating this, my mind is just not with one peice at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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