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A drawing of Kurapika I did 😋 hope you all like it! Shameless art plug @artbean._ on instagram
I lazily plop down to the floor.

"Ahhhh, I can finally sleep." I grumble.

"Hey, are you coming with us to explore the ship?" Gon says excitedly.

"I gotta say no, I'm exhausted." I dramatically fall to the floor. Accidentally hitting my leg in the process, and hissing out in pain.

"Okay, what about you Kurapika or Leorio?"

"I'll pass." Kurapika says slumping down next to me.

"Me too, I don't have any energy left." Leorio replies.

"Okay see you later then!"

I am sooo tired, I haven't been able to sleep at all lately. I'm about to shut my eyes to rest, but I see Tonpa. I really don't like him.

"You guys better not fall asleep. Who knows, this could be where the next phase of the exam takes place." Tonpa says, and strolls away.

Oh SHuT uP Tonpa, I'm way too tired for this.

"Remind me to kill him when we see him next." I say groggily.

"Don't worry I will." Kurapika replies.

I feel myself drift off into a deep slumber.


"We will arrive at our destination shortly."

I let out a groan, I don't want to wake up yet! I feel something pressing on top of my head. My eyes flicker open, and what do you know I've been sleeping on Blondies shoulder. I feel him wake up, and we both jolt apart.

"Sorry bout that." I say sheepishly, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"My apologies." Kurapika says turning away from me.

I glance at Leorio and see him making kissing faces at me, I swiftly flip him off. I swear he is so annoying sometimes.

 Gosh, I'm fuckin tired, I think to myself placing a lolli into my mouth.


We all stare down the edge of the trick tower.

"What are we supposed to do, jump to our deaths?" I say sarcastically.

"I can just climb all the way down." A random man boasts, and starts quickly climbing down the trick tower, only to get eaten by a giant pink creature moments later.

"Well, I guess we aren't going that way." I say, everyone agrees.


Times passes and we still haven't even begun the third phase! I wonder if we'll ever start, I'm starting to get bored. Suddenly, I feel my stomach drop, I'm falling? I land feet first into a stone tiled room. YES, I must have finally found, or should I say fell, into the third phase! I wonder what I do now? Theres nothing in this room.

I hear something above me make a noise, before I know it I feel someone land right on top of me.

"Hey Blondie." I look up to see Kurapika looking wide eyed down at me.

"I'm so sorry Y/n." Kurapika says, getting a little flustered.

Awe he looks really cute, wait what am I thinking? "Its cool, could you please get off of me though?"

"O-of course." He says swiftly getting off of me.

"Looks like I'll have to see Oreo for the rest of the third phase." I groan, rolling my eyes and then turn to inspect the room.

Revenge (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now