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"Hello Illumi."

It's finally time to get my revenge.


I stare the raven haired man directly in the eyes, bloodlust oozing out of every inch of my body. Ready to be put to use.

"Who are you." He inquires, his eyes look as if they would belong to a crow, blank, black, and beady. 

"No one in particular." I reply coldly, unwavering under is unnerving stare.

"You are clearly not no one since somehow you have managed to enter the Zoldyck residence."

"I suppose," we begin slowly circling each other, "my only intention coming here is to kill you."

"You're very straightforward." He remarks mainly to himself, "I have nothing to do at the moment so killing you will just provide as some entertainment."

"You have greatly underestimated me." I smirk, time almost seems to stop as we both lunge forward ready to strike. As this happens bloodlust devours my whole being, I can almost feel my skin tingle with the sensation of my pure hatred radiating from deep within my core. For a split second I can see Illumi's beady eyes widen ever so slightly at the sudden surge of power coming from body. But almost immediately go back to their natural emotionless state. He jumps back rapidly after seeing my display.

"I guess I did underestimate you." He states, his eyes analyzing every inch of me, contemplating wether or not he should continue this brawl.

"Afraid?" I raise my eyebrows at him tauntingly, daring him with my eyes to to come at me.

"Hardly." All of a sudden he comes charging straight at me, his long locks blowing in the wind behind him, almost breaking my focus for a moment. But I immediately snap out of it, and I do the same, we are now both charging at each other at our full speed. We both jump into the air, our body hurdling towards each other. Illumi attempts to to land a hit in my left shoulder but is unsuccessful, I quickly twist around to the side of him landing a sharp gab to his torso. He barely flinches of course, I would expect nothing less for a highly skilled assassin. We both stare at each other unmoving.

"I am now quite curious, why do you want to kill me?" He inquires, tilting his head slightly.

"I'll tell you as you breath your last breath," I hiss, and immediately begin the battle again. He looks so calm even whilst fighting, it is so infuriating! I want to make him fear me like I feared him, I want to see him cower when I look him in the eyes. Unfortunately, we are both so evenly skilled that he will not fear me til the second before he dies at my hands. I will savor that second like it's the last droplet of water on earth. 

We continue at each other, not making any progress on either side. This fate of each person is purely up to their stamina, whoever's strength can last the longest will be crowned the victor. I dash forward and attempt to dislocate his arm, skillfully grabbing onto his shoulder and twisting with all of my strength. He reacts briskly, and pulls his arm free, then using it to punch me in the stomach making me slide back. I stand there a moment, wiping the dirt from my brow. Again, I lurch forward. Let me kill you god dammit! I've waited so long, let this be over with! I grab his long hair and flip his body to the ground, I jump on him quickly hardening my hand with Nen preparing to stab him through the heart. I stab him, only to find my hand stuck in the dirt floor. Fuck. Suddenly, I feel something come crashing into the back of my neck, on impact I gasp, blood spraying out of my mouth. Now on my stomach, I roll onto my back in milliseconds using my hands to launch my body up, thrusting my leg directly into his vexing face. He staggers back a moment, long enough for me to get my footing. 

Back and forth we continue, slowly I can feel my body began to tire. Y/n get yourself together, if we make even one slip up we're dead. Focus all of your energy on killing him, no matter the pain, continue even if you die from the effort. I trow attack after attack at the assassin, him barely blocking every single one. Suddenly, he kicks my legs out from under me sending me to the ground. I recover, but not quick enough. Once I'm back on my feet the raven haired man is no where to be seen. I scan the area, my eyes going over every detail of the place. But to no avail, he's seemingly disappeared.

"Illumi, come out!" I say in a singsong voice, "I'm growing impatient." 

Before I know what's happening I'm surrounded, not by a horde of different individuals but by Illumi himself. A basic assassins trick, I should be able to easily identify which is the real Illumi, by identifying the energy of a breathing human. But, this seems too simple, a trap? Or perhaps he's just trying to make me over think and let down my guard. I stand contemplating my options for a moment, then deciding to go in for the attack, I can't see any hidden schemes in this on the surface. Just before I reach him however something feels off, why hasn't he moved? I tackle him to the ground, but instead of making any sort or verbal or physical struggle he just falls to the ground, motionless like a rag doll. A puppet. I've gotten to ahead or myself, the craving for revenge diluted my judgment, I didn't spend enough time questioning the situation. Y/n you halfwit, you're a skill Nen user and a Hunter you should know better than this. Then, I locate a pin of some sorts on the back of his neck. I yank it out only to realize I just fought a dead body to the ground. Blood. Why can I see blood slowly overtaking my vision. It seems my skull is fractured, it's quite possible I could die in a few minutes. I think to myself, not quite understanding what just happened to me. I try to raise myself from the ground but just fall back right on my face. I can't balance myself on my hand for some reason. I turn my head and try to make out what's happening, my vision still bloodied. Blinking franticly I'm able to spot my hand for a split second. Or what should be my hand, my eyes widen, my hand is gone. As in completely gone, not attached to my wrist any longer. I stare paralyzed, he really ripped my hand off. 

"So," I hear a voice behind me, "answer my question form earlier why do you want to kill me?" I feel the tip of his shoe dig into my side, flipping me over. Our eyes meet, his eyes so black I can see my beat up form in their depths, and the fear I've tried so hard to conceal written across my features plain as day. 

"Y-you murdered my family," I croak out, my throat dry with the taste of blood. "I want revenge." 

"Is that so?" He says, "How are you so sure I did it?"

"I have my sources, I always can tell if they are correct." My eyes bloodied over again, losing my vision completely for the time being. 

"Alright, and why do you think they deserve being avenged?"

"What are you taking about. They were kind innocent people, and on top of that my family! Why wouldn't they deserve it!" I fume, clenching my jaw. 

"I can assure you they were most likely not all you think they were." He states, 

"What do you mean, of course they were!" I yell, 

"You're an idiot you know that? As you know I'm an assassin, when I kill it's usually requested by another individual. So someone requested I kill your family. Do you think they could have done nothing and still be wanted dead."


Take a shot every time I've used the word revenge in the last few chapters lmao. And yay a cliffhanger! I love leaving ya'll on cliffhangers, sorry! 

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!

I didn't do any research into Illumi's Nen, so I'm just going off of what I remember from the show. And if what I recall makes no sense just bear with me. Just taking some creative liberties lol.

I've also been trying not to rush my writing as much lately, when I was reading back on the first chapters I noticed I have a tendency to rush through things. It's been so hard not to do because I get so excited! 

AND YES KURAPIKA WILL BE BACK SOON these chapters are necessary for the plot so I hope they're not boring you!

Remember to drink some water and have a good rest of your day or night!

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