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Previously on Revenge (Kurapika x Reader):


"He took the exam last year, that's number 44 Hisoka."

I remove my head from Kurapika's shoulder. "Wait did you say Hisoka?"

"Hey," I say in a menacing voice. Suddenly he has a card at my throat.

"Hey, Y/n." Hisoka says, giving me a wicked smile.


We glare at each other for a few moments, the atmosphere tensing.

All of a sudden I burst out laughing, Hisoka removes his card from my throat and lets out a chuckle.

"How are you doing Hiso?" I say wiping away a tear from laughing so hard.

"I'm doing just fine." He says mysteriously. "How about you princess~."

"I'm alright."

Kurapika's P.O.V


I wonder where Y/n went off to? I look around and see her talking too? Oh no... why is she over with Hisoka? What does he have against her throat? Is he going to kill her? I start rushing over only to see Y/n burst out laughing.

Is she crazy?

"How are you doing Hiso?" She says wiping away a tear from laughing so hard.

"I'm doing just fine." He says mysteriously. "How about you princess~."

Well that's kind of disturbing. I guess she was in no trouble after all. I still keep glancing over at them though, just in case.

Your P.O.V


"Well god, it's been too long!" I say

"Yes it has my princess."

See where I get the nickname thing from?

"I've been training everyday just like you told me too. Though I still have a ways to go."

"Good, good. Maybe if I have some free time after the exam we could have a rematch."

"Haha, sounds good to me."

"Your getting kind of old for me, but I'll make an exception just for you~" (I know he still likes fighting older people, I just thought this was funny😆 )

"Huh, what did you say Hiso?"

"Oh nothing, nothing. It seems like you've made some little friends on your way here, you should go back to them before they start wondering where you got off too."

"Alrighty, sounds good." I say while starting to walk away, "Don't forget about our rematch!"

"Wouldn't dream of it princess."


I start walking back over to my friends, and notice everyone staring at me. I guess I'm just so beautiful they have to stare (Pretend hair flip). When I get back I notice them all gawking at me, like jeez what's up with everyone?

"Sorry for leaving you guys." I say curious as to why they're staring

"You know Hisoka?" Oreo says astonished.

"Um yeah... why?"

"Y/n he'sa murderer!! Why the hell are you getting mixed up with murderers?"

"You'd be surprised at how many people in this world are murderers." I say smirking. Leorio just looks shocked.

"Remember when I was gone training for three years?"

"Um yeah."

"Well, ah I was kinda homeless for a few months, and then Hisoka found me and 'took an interest in me' whatever the hell that means. And we trained and lived together the next three years." And he taught me how to use Nen, but I'm not going to let them know that yet. I guess I never told Oreo this. I look around Blondie, Gon, and Tonpa are looking at me with open mouths.

"What?" I say getting bored with them not saying anything.

"So you went to live with a man, who is presumably 10 years older than you, and you didn't see anything wrong with this?" Kurapika gaped

"Correct, I'm a great judge of character. Plus I was kinda desperate." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Y/n you little..." Leorio threatens.

"Well do you guys want some drinks?" Tonpa says nervously.

"Well finish this later." Leorio says grumpily

I sweatdropped, oof just dodged a bullet there.

"No thanks, I don't take beverages from strangers." This guy still freaks me tf out.

Suddenly a wall started opening, and out came a very tall man. "The entry period for Hunter applicants has expired."

Oh HELL yes I'm so ready.

"The Hunter exam has begun!"I must warn you, the hunter exam is highly dangerous. You could end up severely hurt or even dead. If you accept the risks then follow me."

We all start walking along behind the very tall man. He starters picking up the pace, well all start speed walking after him. Soon enough we all are sprinting after him.

"I seem to have failed to introduce myself. I am Satoz, I will lead you to faze two."

"Oh great, the first test is an endurance test. Bleh." I say sticking out my tongue.

Gon laughs quietly, Kurapika just smiles at me.

"It should be easy pease!" Leorio remarks.

"Sure Leorio." I say rolling my eyes.

Then some white haired kid skateboards up to us. Dammit, I should have brought my skateboard!

"hEy! Why are you using a skateboard? Show some respect! Isn't that cheating anyways!? Oreo says angrily.

"My brother is sooo dramatic don't you think Kurapika? I say looking over at him.

"I guess you could say that."

"When we were younger he was such a drama queen oh my god. It was honestly hard even to be seen with him, he would just wine or poke fun at old ladies, a disgrace to the family." I say, dramatically throwing my head back.

At this Blondie chuckles, "You seem to be quite the drama queen as well. Also you called me Kurapika for the first time, instead of blondie."

"I am appalled you would think so lowly of me! And don't get used to it, Blondie." I say sticking out my tongue."I'm going to go say hi to that skateboarder kid."

"Hey kid whats your name? I direct at the white haired boy.

"Killua." He says not giving me a second glance.

"I'm Y/n." I say, he just ignores me. I like this kid.

I look back and see Oreo, it looks like hes gonna die. Easy pease my ass. I run over to him.

"I-I can't make it." He says, hands on knees.

"Yes you can, you didn't come all this way to be a pussy about it. Think about Pietro, and how you'll be able to help cure people with his illness!"

This give him a rush of adrenaline.

"Yes, I can make it. I'm going to become a Hunter!" And with that he starts speeding forward.

I look at him with a smile on my face and start chasing after him.


I hope ya'll liked this chapter! I really need to finish the 1999 HxH soon, it seems so funny 😂

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