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Looming figures tower over me, inspecting, evaluating, every insignificant twitch of my physique. Darkness cast on the floor is all I identify of them, shadows that I only believed at the time to exist in nightmares. Still, their silhouettes are more than enough to determine they are unsanctioned by nature, defined by morals that almost make sense, immoral in others eyes but moral from the perspective of their own. I, the progeny of their associates, cower in terror at the mere sight of the ensemble of their shadows, unable to meet their faces. Although unspoken, I have made my own blood feel shame at my feeble ways, I was but only a child, but weakness is no virtue in the eyes of criminals.

I feel a firm grip place itself on my jaw, jerking my head upwards, "Hello child, are you afraid?" A calm voice echos though the air.

"N-no," Comes back my weak reply, trying to sound strong.

"Good, being afraid only makes everything more difficult," The young man coos, stoking my cheek with his calloused thumb, almost affectionately. He releases my face, dropping me to the floor, I shake in terror silently praying my sister will save me.

I hear the man rise to his feet, "She has much potential, however she will need to be taught to suppress her weaknesses," He turns to what almost appear to be my parents and says in a low tone, "Feitan will break her in in no time."

"Do what you must," is my mothers only reply, her face blank, unwavering at the suggestion of my 'breaking in'.

I gasp out my breath hitching in my throat, "No mommy! Don't leave me with them!" I scream, my body racking with sobs. How could my mother leave me with the scary man, no mommy don't leave me, I just want to go home!

Cherried hands graze my face, handling me with care. Leaving behind the metallic scent of blood, sticky to the touch. Sticky turns too flaky, the vermillion colors mixing on my breast. I lie there, encrusted with fluids that escaped my very own veins. What a color, sometimes beauty shows itself in the most forbidding fronts.


The present rushes back to my senses, I feel someone shaking my shoulder, calling my name.

What was that? A suppressed memory? I can't recall anything like this happening in my past, and their faces are all blurry, it's as if I can only remember their statures. What sort of mysteries is my mind hiding from me?

"Y/n," I finally acknowledge the voice calling out to me,

"What," I turn my gaze upward and see Kurapika bending down slightly towards my sitting form, his fingers curled around my shoulder lightly shaking me. Too close, I try to lean back enough so I can no longer feel his breath on my face. Since when did Kurapika get back? He only left a few minutes ago. "Why are you back already?" I question,

His grey irises look at me with concern, "What do you mean Y/n, I left over an hour ago," No no that can't be right, I just saw him leaving, I stand up to get a better look at the clock. And yes it has been a full hour since he left, now nearing 10:00pm.

"Hm guess I spaced out or something," I mumble, scratching my brow, uncertain, "Can I use your shower Blondie?" I ask suddenly, wanting to get my mind off whatever-whatever that was.

"Yes, yes Y/n, but I can't just ignore what happened to you? You began muttering to yourself as soon as I stepped through the door," He says, standing in front of you, giving you a questioning look.

"Well I can ignore it," I state, wriggling around Kurapika making my way over to the bathroom, "I'm going to shower now, you can join me if you like," I smirk, that remark shut him up real quick, just as I had expected. He then just turns away from me and sighs about me being an idiot or something of that sort. I smile to myself, hopping into the shower hoping the water will wash all my thoughts away, it didn't of course.

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