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We just arrived at Dole harbor. I finally get to get off that boat. With all that moving around I wasn't able to sleep at all! Which sucks because sleep is my favorite pastime. I stick a lollipop into my mouth, I brought at least five bags with.

"Hey guys the Captain said we should head towards that cedar, tree on top of the hill." Gon says.

"Mmk sounds good." I say looking towards the hill.

"But the exam is in the other direction." Oreo says gesturing towards the map.

"I'm following the advice the captain gave to me." Gon says walking in the direction of the hill.

Kurapika follows "I'm going with Gon."

"What? But the bus to the exam site is about to leave!" Leorio says frantically.

"I'm going with them, take the bus if you want." I say giving him a sloppy salute and running after them.

"Y/n! Y/n come back here!"

I ignore him, this way will be way more interesting.


Leorio P.O.V (wooow a pov change)

They're all so stupid, they'll never pass the hunter exam now. But if I pass and not Y/n, I can brag about it for years to come. I think to myself, a smirk covering my face. I run to the bus getting on and thinking about how annoyed Y/n will be. Suddenly I hear some guys whispering in an alley.

"Looks like none of the buses have reached the exam site, rookies are so naive."

I turn around realizing my mistake. I start running in the direction of the cedar tree. Gosh, I'm never going to hear the end of this from Y/n.


Your P.O.V (it was a short pov tho lol)

"Oh decide to join us again Oreo." I say teasingly.

"Y-yeah it's no fun traveling alone."

What a bunch of bs.


~Time skip to when they're in the elevator to the exam site~

"Hunters have many different important responsibilities, such as preserving artifacts and endangered species."

"No the fame and money! That's why people decide to become hunters!"

These two need to chill, they're scaring tf out of Gon.

"Hey Gonnie, want a lollipop." I say ignoring both of them.

"Sure Y/n, thanks!" He says happily.

He's so cute.

"Y/n were you even listening to us!" They say in unison, afterwards glaring at each other.

"No Oreo, Blondie, I was trying to block out your annoying voices to my best ability."

"My name is Kurapika you know, not blondie." He says regaining his composure.

"I'm aware, it's called a nickname Blondie." I say back.

"Y/n gives nicknames to everyone she meets." Leorios says annoyed.

"Correct Oreo." I say sucking on a new lollipop. He shoots me a look, I know he hates the nickname I gave him, but that just makes it even more fun.

The elevator comes to a stop, and the doors slide open. And oooo the atmosphere is so tense, I like it.

"Strange atmosphere down here." Oreo remarks.

"Everyones really tense." Gon adds.

"Well nothing to worry about. I wonder if I could sneak in a nap before the first phase." I say looking around for a place to nap.

"You must really like sleeping Y/n." Gon says.

"You would be correct Gon."

This little green thing walks over to us and says, "Take a number please." I take the number 406 and pin it to my shirt.

"Haven't seen you guys before." Someone says out of nowhere. Some dude walks over and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Tonpa nice to meet all of you."

This guy seems kinda sus, maybe its just in my head.

"I'm Gon! These are my friends Leorio, Y/n, and Kurapika."

"This is my 35th time taking the hunter exam, so if you need any tips I'm your guy." Tonpa says, pointing to himself.

"That doesn't seem like something to be very proud of." I whisper to Kurapika.


Jeez I'm tired. I rest my head against Kurapika's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Kurapika questions.

"I'm tired Blondie, don't mind me."

"Again with the blondie."

"Sorry, it just kinda stuck." I let out a small laugh.

I feel myself dozing off when I hear this dude start yelling, can I please get some peace and quiet! I just ignore it, trying to fall asleep while standing was harder than you'd think.

"He's back again, the magician."

Wait what?

"He took the exam last year, that's number 44 Hisoka."

I remove my head from Kurapika's shoulder. "Wait did you say Hisoka?"

"Yeah why?" Tonpa says confused.

"Can you point him out for me?"

"Eh sure, he's right over there."

I look over and see a man with red hair strutting through the room. That's him alright.

"Last year he almost killed an examiner he didn't like."

 "I'll be right back guys." I say following Hisoka. Soon I'm right behind him.

"Hey," I say in a menacing voice. Suddenly he has a card at my throat.

"Hey, Y/n." Hisoka says, giving me a wicked smile.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it was a bit shorter than last time, I just wanted to leave you all on a cliff hanger (evil laughter) 😈

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