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The man I despise with my whole being, where are you hiding? I've been searching for you for moths now, can't you make this search easier or me? I suppose that would take all of the drama out of this pursuit, drama that I really don't care for. My struggles are not for someone else's enjoyment, although they would make for an interesting story.

My goal since my families death has been to take revenge on the one who killed them. I'm so close yet why do I feel so empty, I thought killing him would make all of my sorrows disappear. Perhaps I will feel fulfilled once he is gone for sure, I'm sure I will right? Maybe after he's gone I can see my friends again, though I am not the same person I was when I saw them last. Will they be disappointed in the person I've become? I know I am.

I've become detached from reality, I feel like an empty shell with one purpose, taking revenge. In my search my emotions have been lost, I can't feel anymore. I'm sure this will all go away once I kill him. I will go back to who I once was and everything will be perfect. I know it will, right? Or maybe my loved ones won't want me anymore, I've been away for so long and haven't even bothered to contact them. For now I have no one and am no one.

At least not anymore.

But, now is not the time for focusing on theses things. I need to find Illumi. My search is growing wearisome, I hardly sleep or eat nowadays. My whole being is immersed in murdering a murderer.


Days later and I have still come no closer to my goal. I feel discouraged at my inability to to find a single man. Where are you? This is all I ask myself for days at a time, it's growing quite dull. My body feels weighted down from lack of caring for myself. I haven't slept a single minute in three days. But, that is of no matter. I have to be close to reaching him, where the hell in the world could this assassin be? I've searched many dark forests, towns, and mountains. Then realization hits me, I've been an idiot.

I've searched everywhere except for their home.

I know where the Zoldyck residence is so why wasn't that the fist place I checked? Of course, fear. I am still afraid of the raven haired male who took my family's lives. Which is totally absurd! I'm just as strong if not stronger than the assassin. My mind is getting the better of me, I had not even realized until now I was avoiding their home like the plague. My mission could have been over by now if it wasn't for my stupid fear! I need to murder my fear along with Illumi, they both are things I loathe.

I need to make my way to Kukuroo Mountain and finally find that bastard. Unfortunately I am hours away from reaching that place, even running at my full speed. But the time will be worth it in the end.


I have arrived at Kukuroo Mountain. The last obstacle is to make my way into the Zoldyck estate. I push all of my hesitation to the back of my mind. I can feel myself bursting with anticipation, good or bad I cannot tell.

I am ready.

Ready to get revenge finally, after all this time of preparing for this moment. I begin to confidently stride towards a ginormous wall with a gate in it, with what seems like different levels to it. There are also dragons placed just atop the wall almost seeming as if they are staring at me, observing if I can actually open the gate. I make my way over to where I can reach the doors with my fingertips, and hesitantly begin to push it open. It's slightly heavier than thought but I open all seven doors nonetheless.

I hear the doors close behind me with a slight shake of the ground. And see a long winding path in front of me, I begin to follow the path to its end. Suddenly, I hear a small growl next to me? I look to my side and see some sort of tall dog in front of me. The dog has incredible long legs and very shaggy fur. Although it is slightly alarming to look at part of me finds him kind of cute. I give him a quick pat on the head and resume my walk.


I have almost reached the top, just a few more minutes. To my surprise a girl with black curly hair parted in a bunch of little sections stands before me.

"You may not pass past this point." She states, drawing a line in the gravel of the trail.

I completely ignore her, "Is Illumi here?"

"Unfortunately I cannot answer that question." She says.

I stare her dead in the eyes, "Answer my question or I will kill you." I allow my bloodlust to radiate off of my body, hoping to intimidate the girl. Although she seems slightly nervous after my display, it doesn't seem to be enough to make her tell me anything. "I don't want to have to kill you so tell me now."

"I-I can't the Masters whereabouts are strictly confidential."

"Then just let me in to find him myself." I say, taking another step towards the girl.


I can feel the girls resistance start to get on my nerves. I don't have anymore time to waste, in the blink of an eye my arm is wrapped around her neck in a choke hold. My grip getting tighter by the second. "My apologies." I whisper emotionlessly, dropping the girl to the ground. I swiftly walk behind a tree watching her. After a few moments she gets up off the ground and rubs the back of her head, looking confused.

"Why am I lying on the ground?" She wonders out loud. She looks around a second unsure of what had happened moments prior. Eventually she decides to drop it and return to her post.

I smile to myself, I was afraid it wouldn't work after so long of not training. What was just displayed moments ago is my Nen ability, Mind Scheme. My ability allows me to basically access someones mind. If I make skin to skin contact with my opponent and I can flip through their memories like flash cards, and retain about a year of their most recent memories by only touching them for a second. Additionally, I can create or destroy any memories I please, however this takes numerous seconds to accomplish. So on a more skilled target it is very difficult to do. This is what I preformed on Canary a moment ago, I erased our encounter so I can access the mansion. Although my ability is quite useful it also creates many problems. If I tell people about my Nen they often grow suspicious and ask if I have used it on them, I always answer no of course I do not use my Nen ability on people I know without permission. But, alas most do not believe when I tell them this, and end up disappearing from my life completely.


Almost there.

The mansion grows by the second, it's finally time. Suddenly I feel a pair of eyes on my back. I stop for a moment silently considering if their existence will be worth my time, the gaze feels somehow almost familiar. I whip my head around and stare directly into two emotionless voids of darkness. My face contorts into a horrifying smile, there he is the raven haired assassin.

"Hello Illumi."

It's time for me to finally get my revenge.


Hiiii hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I hope this chapter wasn't boring, and if it was I'm so sorry!

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