Chapter 25

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"You got him," Ayato said.

"Now let's run like hell," I said and we darted out of the sewers.

We made it back to the surface to see the limbs of the dragon were disappearing. The clowns and other ghouls they were fighting had finally stopped. Everything was finally returning back to normal. Back to the way it should have been.

"So what now?" Ayato asked.

"Right now, I need to get Kaneki back to the CCG," I said and we headed back.

Kimi helped me get Kaneki into a bed so he could rest. While he was resting, I was helping everyone clean up the area. Some researchers were able to take the creatures that were made by dragon and were attempting to reverse the effects. So far, the tests resulted in failure. But they will get there one day. Saiko had made a full recovery and Urie was now in charge of the new group the CCG had created. The new commander was none other than Juuzou. A lot had changed a few days after Kaneki destroyed the second source of energy to dragon.

"Are we allowed to see him?" Kage asked.

"I don't know, Kage," I said as we walked through the halls.

He had a sad look in his eyes, "Aww. I wanted to celebrate with him."

"I'm sure we can celebrate your birthday with him, but probably not today," my words trailed off as I looked into his room to see he was sitting up and looking out the window. I hurried past his room and led Kage to where Hinami was.

"I'll be back soon, Kage. Don't give Hinami a hard time," I chuckled.

"I'll try not to," Kage said and hugged me.

"I'll see you later, Kage," I said and hugged him back.

He pulled away and ran towards the other kids that were there. I waved to Hinami and walked out of the room. As soon as I closed the door, I started to run back towards Kaneki's room. I nearly missed it, but skidded to a stop. I ran to the door breathing heavily. Kaneki turned towards me. There were a few markings under his eyes. The one under his right eye looked like little tick marks. The one under his left looked like he had blood running down. 

"Hi, Y/N," he said.

"Kaneki," I rushed over to him and hugged him. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

"I'm sorry to have worried you," he said hugging me back.

"It's fine. I'm just glad you're alive."

I pulled away and looked at his hands. They were red. I sat down next to him and looked curiously at his hands. He caught my glance and looked down at his hands. He sighed and pulled up the sleeves of his shirt. His forearms were red as well. 

"I can't heal as quickly as I used to," Kaneki said. 

I took hold of his hand and kissed his knuckles, "It'll be alright. Hey, someone wants to see you."

"Who's that?"

"A certain boy who really likes you," I smiled and stood up.

I helped him standup and we walked down to the room I had gone to earlier. I opened the door to see Hinami had the kids gathered up and they were talking.

"Excuse me for a second," Hinami smiled and she walked over to us.

"Hey, Y/N, what's up?"

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked.

"We were just getting ready to sing happy birthday to Kage."

"Does he have a cake?" I asked.

"I think Touka brought it here a few minutes ago."

"Alright," I said.

"What's the matter?"

"Come out here for a second."

Hinami walked out and saw Kaneki was up. She smiled and quickly hugged him.

"I know Kage was wanting to celebrate his birthday with Kaneki. Is there anyway he can come and celebrate with him?"

"I think I have a way to surprise him," Hinami smiled. "There is another door that leads into the kitchen. That is where the cake is currently and once we start singing, Kaneki will come in. I will make sure his back is to the door of the kitchen."

"Sounds good," I said.

Kaneki walked over to the other door and walked in. I walked in with Hinami and sat over at the table.

"Sorry about that, kids. Now, today is a very special day. Today is Kage's birthday!"

The kids smiled and clapped. 

"Come over here, Kage," Hinami said and walked over to the table.

Kage sat so that his back was facing the kitchen door. I walked over to him and knelt next to him.

"Y/N!" he smiled and hugged me.

"I didn't want to miss your party," I smiled at him.

Touka came in with the cake and set it on the table. She lit the candles and everyone started to sing. Kaneki slowly and quietly slipped into the room we were in and stood behind Kage. We finished the song and he blew out the candles. We all clapped and smiled at him.

"What did you wish for Kage?" one of the kids asked.

"I wished for Kaneki to be here," Kage said.

"Looks like your wish came true, bud," Kaneki said.

Kage turned around and saw Kaneki standing there with a smile on his face.

"Kaneki!" Kage said and got up from his chair. He ran over to Kaneki and he picked him up.

"How are you doing, bud?" Kaneki smiled and walked back over to where we were. 

"Better now that you're here!" he smiled.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday celebration," Kaneki said and set Kage back on his seat.

Touka, Hinami, and I passed out the cake and we continued to celebrate for a while. After it started to settle down, most of the kids were asleep. I picked up Kage, but Kaneki took him from me and set him on his back. We said goodbye to Touka and Hinami and walked out of the room. Kaneki and I headed down to where Kage and I were currently staying. I knew we weren't going to be staying there for long, but it was a good place in the building until I was able to find a place for us. Kaneki set Kage on the bed and pulled the covers over him.

"Sleep well, Kage," Kaneki said and walked out of the room and to where I was.

"You should be getting some sleep," he said.

"Do you mind if you stay with me?"

"I, um," he got a little flustered.

"It's not like we're going to be doing anything, Kaneki," I chucked and kissed his cheek.


I took his hand and led him into the room where I was staying. 

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