Chapter 12

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"That was more of a half kakuja. Amon, whatever you do, be careful of that guy. He's pretty powerful."

I was walking down the hall past where Kaneki was staying. I walked past only to hear something break. I walked back towards the small doorway to see there was coffee on the ground and a broken cup. He was lying on the ground and he was holding his head. Coming from his back was the centipede kakuja. They were going everywhere. It crashed into the ceiling and thrashed around on the ground. He was holding his face in his hands as his kakjua was going wild. He removed his head from his hands and his head turned towards the ceiling. He let out the most painful scream I have heard since the day he was being tortured by Jason.

I ran in there, making sure to dodge his kakuja. I ran up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Kaneki!" I yelled.

He shoved me away, "Go! Go before I hurt you! I don't want to hurt you."

"Kaneki, you're not going to hurt me."

"Please, go!" he yelled.

His kakuja was starting to get closer to me. My kagune came out and blocked the kakuja. I moved closer to Kaneki and wrapped my arms around him, embracing him. The kakuja stopped and disappeared as if it was struck with a quinque. Kanek fell to his knees and I knelt with him. He had his arms dangling at his sides, but he slowly wrapped them up and around my back. He put his face in my shoulder and started to sob.

"I-I can't control it," Kaneki said.

"It's alright, Kaneki," I said. "One day you'll get it under control."

"I can't seem to understand what the teacher was saying," I said.

"Let me see your notes," Kaneki said.

He read them through quickly before handing me my notebook back. He explained what he had written down and it was much clearer than what the teacher was saying.

"I'm sure you'll be able to understand it one day, Y/N. Don't doubt how smart you are."

A tear slid down my face and it dripped onto the ground.

"You smell, familiar," he said.

"About that, Kaneki," I said.

I pulled away from him and slid my mask off, but I kept my chin to my chest. I reached up and removed the eye mask. I took in a deep breath and looked up at Kaneki. He looked surprised to see my right eye had turned black and red. My Kagune came out and I tried my best to smile at him.

"It's been me this entire time," I said.

"Y/N," he whispered.

"I've been keeping this from you ever since the accident happened."

"Your accident!" he exclaimed. "Y-You've been a ghoul ever since then?"

I nodded my head, "The truth about my parents is that they left and never came back after what happened. I want to believe that they left to keep me safe, but knowing them, they probably left to save themselves."

"Y/N, I-I had no idea until now."

"It's fine, Kaneki. You were never one to be observant in the first place," I chuckled.

He had a small smile on his face, "I guess you're right. You didn't happen to tell Hide, have you?"

"No. Hide doesn't know anything about this. About us being ghouls."

"I see," he said. 

"I didn't want to tell you guys because I was the first one to become a ghoul. I didn't want you guys to leave if you knew what I had become."

"Well, you didn't leave me when you knew," Kaneki said. "You didn't even leave when I had my outburst just a minute ago."

"I figured that you just needed a friend," I said.

"Y/N," Kaneki said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Um, it's nothing. Never mind," he said.

"Oh, I see."

"I'm sorry to have worried you. I didn't know what came over me."

"It's alright, Kaneki. I just worry about you sometimes. I worry that this wasn't the right decision for the both of us."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, I joined to keep an eye on you and I'm glad I did. I know I'm already strong, but I don't think I have fully learned about how to use my Kagune to the best of my ability. I never used it before."

"You mean the entire time you were a ghoul, you never once used your Kagune?"

"Well I did use it the night you found that investigator. There was a day where it had come out accidentally when Uta was trying to make my mask and that is how he made my mask. Other than that, I have never used it that often."

"You mean to tell me that all of the times you went out to kill someone, which I am sure you have, you never once used your Kagune?"

"No. I didn't even use it when I attacked my father."

"I see," Kaneki said.

I stood up and helped him up.

"I should be heading back to where I am. I just wanted to check and see how you were doing."

"I'm glad you came when you did," he said.

"Yeah, same," I said and started to walk away.

"Y/N?" Kaneki called.


He stood there for a moment, "Thanks."

I smiled at him, "You're welcome."

"Holy shit," Touka said.

I nodded my head, "Yeah."

"You really were at the right place at the right time."

"I'm sure I would have felt what was happening since I live above him."

"I see. So he knows the truth now?"

"Yeah. I figured it was time for him to know."

"Nothing has changed between the two of you, right?"

"Right," I said.

"That's good to hear. You really seem to like him."

I smiled to myself, "Yeah I do."

"Why didn't you tell him the entire truth."


"You told him part of the truth. The part of you being a ghoul. Now you just need to tell him the other part of the truth."

"I, um, don't think it's the right time to tell him that."

"Because you missed your perfectly good chance to tell him, Y/N. You should of told him while you were there with him."

"Don't you think I wanted to? I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to pour my heart out and tell him it hurt to see him lose himself when I was just standing there before I ran over to him. I wanted to tell him how hurt I was when I saw him lose control at Cochlea. I wanted to tell him for so long what I was feeling, but when I started to catch feelings for him, he was going out with Rize."

"Better you than Rize," Touka said.

I sighed, "Yeah, I know."

"Are you going to tell him, though?"

"I will tell him when the time is right," I said.

"Better be soon. I can tell it's eating you alive."

"I'd rather it eat me alive than tell him at the wrong time."

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