Chapter 19

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After Mutsuki's attack on the shop, we had to flee to a hiding place. I figured that my house would be a dangerous area since Mutsuki was able to find us at the café. Touka found an abandoned building and we stayed there. 

"What are we going to do?" Touka asked.

"We can go to the underground for now," Kaneki said. "I'll tell everyone where we're going."

"I need to get Kage," I said.

"Don't bring him into this, Y/N," Touka said.

"I promised him I would come and get him. The way he's living right now, it doesn't sound right," I said. 

"I'll go with her. We'll meet you at the underground. Gather everyone up."

"You better be there," Touka said and got up.

"Let's hurry," Kaneki said.

We got up and headed out of the building.

"Where is he? Do you know?"

"The 13th ward is my guess," I said and we headed towards the 13th ward.

When we reached the 13th ward, I searched out until I could find his scent. It sounded weird, but it was something that came in handy. I followed it until I reached a small looking house. We headed towards it and I knew if I came here to get him, my father would not want me to. But he needed out of that environment. 

"Wait here, Kaneki," I said and I moved closer towards the house.

When I reached the gate, I jumped over it and snuck towards the front door.

"You saw your sister?!" my father yelled.

"Yes! I wanted to see her! I wanted to know more about her!" Kage said.

"I told you not to associate with her! She's a monster! Do you not remember what she did to me?"

"I remember, but you need to forget it! She's your daughter and most importantly, my sister! I don't want you to mess up a relationship between us!"

"You want to have a familial relationship with that monster?"

"She's not a monster!"

"Then what is she!"

"Even if she is part ghoul, she's still human."

"She is far from human! She has killed so many people! You don't know what she has done!"

"It sounds like you don't know what she has done either! I'd rather let her tell me what she has done rather than you tell me what you think she has done!"

I heard a crash and I peeked into the window to see my father hit Kage. Kage had stumbled into the chair.

"I will not allow you to associate with her. She is not your sister."

"Dear, stop!" my mother yelled and walked towards my father.

"What? Are you going to defend her as well?"

"She's your daughter."

"She's no longer my daughter."

I couldn't take it. I opened up the window and jumped in. My father turned towards me with a scowl on his face.

"You!" my father yelled and grabbed his gun that was nearby. "You should be dead!"

He was about to pull the trigger, but my Kagune came out upon instinct and blocked the bullet. 

"Don't hurt her!" Kage said and ran towards our father. He hit him, but our father shoved him aside.

"If you're going to defend her, you might as well be killed too!"

"Stop this, dear!" my mother said and walked in front of him.

"All of you should be dead!" he said and shot our mother.

"NO!" I yelled and ran towards Kage, since he was going to shoot him next.

The bullet lodged right into my shoulder as I covered Kage. 

"Y/N," Kage said.

I looked up at him and pressed my finger to my lips. Our father walked over to me and put the gun on my head.

"Burn in hell," he said.

"Not if you're there," I said and my Kagune came out and pierced his stomach, chest, neck, and head. His body fell onto the ground and I helped Kage up. I walked over to my mother who looked up at me.

"Y/N," my mother said. "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, mom. I forgive you."

My mother smiled, "Good. That's all I need to hear."

Her eyes became fixated on the ceiling above me. I stood up and my Kagune came out from my back. The tails wrapped around my father and I picked up my mother. 

"Get on, Kage."

He walked over and crawled onto my back. I walked over to the door and opened it up. I closed it behind me and started to walk where the gate was. Kaneki was there waiting for me.

"What happened?" he asked as I walked towards him.

He opened the gate for me and I walked off of the property. 

"My father lost his mind and shot my mother. He was about to kill Kage. He did so because they sided with me and he was against me."

"Holy shit," he said.

"Help me bury them."

"Kaneki," Kage looked over at Kaneki.

"Yeah?" he asked.

He reached out his arm and Kaneki grabbed Kage. Kage crawled over to Kaneki and onto his back. We walked deep into an area that was full of woods and buried my mother and father. After we sat there for a few minutes in silence, we got up and headed towards the underground.

"Where are we going now?" Kage asked.

"We're going to a place where we can be safe for now," I said. "It's a bit of a walk."

Kage yawned and slowly fell asleep on Kaneki's back.

"How old is he?" Kaneki asked.

"He's only seven," I said.

"And you're ok with him knowing about the other ghouls? About Goat?"

"If he was fascinated with us, he's going to be fascinated with them. I think he'd want to be part of Goat."

"You do know that if we're attacked, you're going to need to protect him."

I looked over at Kaneki, "We're going to have to protect him."

Kaneki smiled and nodded, "Right."

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and we continued to make our way to the underground.

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