Chapter 21

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I ran as fast as I could as Kaneki kept a close eye on me and Kage. But some of the people there were making our escape harder. We were almost there, but someone hit Kaneki and sent him flying.

"Kaneki!" I yelled.

"Keep going!" he yelled.

I turned to see that there was someone blocking my path. A few more surrounded me and their leader, Mutsuki, walked towards me.

"So, you're the bitch who stole teach away from me," he said.

"I don't know who you are, but he doesn't belong to anyone," I said, trying to make sure Kage wasn't going to get hurt since he was on my back.

"Sure he doesn't. But I saw how you two protected one another when we were fighting," Mutsuki said and threw his daggers at me.

I wasn't able to dodge quick enough and one lodged into my leg. I fell onto the ground and looked around, seeing the masked ghouls that were surrounding me. Mutuski walked over to me and held a dagger to my neck.

"You're nothing but trash to him."

"Like you would be any better," I said.

He pulled out another dagger and stabbed me in my shoulder. I tried to muffle my scream, trying not to wake Kage up, but how could he be asleep?

"Y/N?" Kage asked sleepily.

"Kage, you need to run," I said.

"What about you?" Kage asked.

"You need to save yourself. I can handle them," I said.

Kage slid down and I looked at Mutsuki, "Please, just let him live. He has nothing to do with this."

Mutsuki looked at Kage, "Get the hell out of here, kid."

"Look for Touka. She'll help you."

"Promise you come back, right?"

I couldn't promise that, but the look in his eyes wanted me to see that promise through.

"I promise," I said.

He took off and found Hinami. Hinami led Kage out of the underground. I smiled to myself, knowing he was safe.

"You shouldn't promise something you can't keep," Mutsuki punched me in the face.

I grunted from the pain. I tried to summon my Kagune, but it wasn't able to come out.

"My daggers stunt your RC cells. You can't get out of here," Mutsuki said.

I gritted my teeth together with how painful the daggers were as they dug further and further into my skin. I reached down and grabbed the dagger. I bit my lip as I pulled it out of my leg. I let out a yell as I ripped it out. I reached up and ripped the dagger out from my shoulder and I panted as I looked at Mutsuki.

"It's going to take a little more than a couple of daggers to keep me down," I breathed out heavily.

Mutsuki sneered at me, "Then how about my Kagune?"

His Kagune came out, which resembled mine a bit. I was still recovering, but I could feel my leg and shoulder healing themselves. It was slow, but at least they were recovering. I dodged his Kagune as best as I could until I was able to call upon mine to help me. However, even though I was pretty hurt and tired, I couldn't keep this up for long. As I was trying to defend off Mutsuki, one of the members that was there summoned their Kagune and pierced right through my stomach. I coughed out some blood and Mutsuki had his Kagune pointed at me.

"Time to put a bitch in their place."

"Y/N!" Kaneki yelled.

I looked over and saw he was walking towards me. He had blood running down from his forehead. He looked tired and ready to give up, but yet he still walked towards me.

"That's Kaneki," the members murmured amongst themselves. "He must be killed!"

My eyes widened as I witnessed all of their Kagune's, similar to Kaneki's, stabbed him. There was so many of them and they pierced his entire body.

"What are you idiots doing?" Mutsuki called out. "Don't kill him!"

"Kaneki!" I yelled, staring at his body that was on the ground. His arms and legs were ripped off due to the many puncture wounds that were in his body.

"Y/N," he whispered so slightly.

"I'm here, Kaneki. I'm right here."

"Y/N," his head rested on the ground.

"Kaneki!" I yelled and tried to run over to him, but Mutsuki kept me where I was.

"You of all people should be the last person to help him," Mutsuki said.

"Me? You should be the last person to help him! You only knew him as Hasie Sasaki! I knew him when he was Ken Kaneki! Not this fake persona!"

"Shut up!" he yelled and punched me in the face.

"Y/N," Kaneki said.

"I'm right here, Kaneki. I'm not going anywhere," I said.

"Y/N," he repeated.


He reached up and ripped a piece of a ghoul's face off. After that, his Kagune came out and he killed all of the ghouls that were there.

"Kaneki," I watched as he was mercilessly killing them.

And what came after was something no one expected. There were multiple Kagunes that came out with mouths on them. They went around the entire underground and finally emerging was a giant centipede.

"Y/N!" Touka yelled as she ran towards me.

"What's happening to Kaneki?" I asked.

"We need to get out of here," she said.

"What about Kaneki?"

Touka looked up to see this monstrous form take hold of Kaneki.

"We can't do anything right now," she said and helped me up.

"Is Kage alright?" I asked.

"Yes, he's fine. He's with the others. We need to get you out of here."

I looked over my shoulder to see this form continue to get out of control. We reached the surface and met up with the other ghouls that were part of Goat. We watched as this monstrous form ravage through Tokyo, taking the lives of ghouls and humans alike.

"Was this supposed to happen?" I asked myself.

"Y/N?" Kage asked.

I bent down and picked Kage up. He crawled onto my back and hung on.

"What's going to happen to Kaneki?" he asked.

"He's going to be alright," I said.

I hope.

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