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I'm fading
I can feel it
But there's nothing I can do
To stop it

I can't leave the house
My mind just yells
That no one wants me there
I can't tell

People have stopped trying
I've just turned into that girl
She's always at the table
But never really talks
She hangs out with us
But she's never quite "there"

I've retreated back into my shell
That I've tried so hard to leave behind
But I've taken steps backwards
Back into my mind

Urges that I thought I was through with
Are coming back
"You need me" they say
I try to say I don't
But oh god is that a lie

One cut turns to two
And two turns to four
And all my mind is screaming is
More More!

Like an addict
Finally getting their fix
But my addiction is pain
And the proof is my wrist

So yes I'm fading
And I do need help
But no one is here
Because I've been put on the shelf


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