Painful Reality

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Looking in the mirror
Hating what you see
Wanting to change everything
This is me

When food makes you want to die
And starving sounds just fine
And in my mind it makes me happy
I'm walking a fine line

My life has turned into a test
How long can I stand
Without consuming calories
Before my body begins to demand

People don't see
Because I do not let them
It is not their fault

I simply hide behind a smile
And say
"No thanks I'm fine"
And everyone accepts it
Nobody seems to mind

I just sit at the table
Say I already ate
And there is never anyone who debates

When I'm offered snacks
I will politely decline
But what inside me is saying no
The voice is not mine

This voice says
You don't need it
You're fat enough as you are
And I never argue
That just seems bizarre

When my stomach hurts so much
I can barely stand
I drink a cup of coffee
And continue just as planned

I know you should love yourself 
I've been taught that from the start
But it's tremendously harder to do so
When you don't love yourself in your heart

When I start feeling dizzy
I know I should just eat
But as I've learned
Eating disorders are not easy to beat


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