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There was a boy

He chose to spend his time locked away with his music, pen and notebook

This notebook never left his side

The people at school realized this

When they finally got his notebook from him he suddenly knew his life was going downhill

Everyday became harder than the last

People mocked him

His deepest, darkest secrets had been in that notebook

He couldn't handle it on his own anymore

When he turned to his old friend,

The razor

The day he was going to go home and end it all

A girl approached him shyly

He thought it was to make fun of him

But he noticed she had something

"I think this belongs to you" she whispered

It was his notebook

He looked at her "why?" He asked

He rolled up her sleeve and said "I know what your going through

But unlike me, I don't want you to go through it alone."

These two broken dolls got through all of the bullying together

But the moments those people got ahold of his notebook

That was the day the pen (almost) stopped writing


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