Just Be Nice

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There is something everyone has
That makes them forget all their fears
It allows them to just be them
To just live in the now and the here

For me that is art
For others it could be sports
But everyone has something
Of this sort

If you ever think that it's all too much
And you want to just disappear
Take that thing which you love
And hold it near and dear

I have always thought of a place
Where no one is judged or hurt
And everyone can just be nice, no one is a jerk

I am not naïve
I know there will always be hate
But if there was more love
The world might be in a better state

I do not want to lecture you
For that is not my intent
I merely want to pose a question
For everyone to see

What would happen if one day
The world turned on its head
And suddenly no one thought it fun
To be cruel and criticize
To yell at someone for what or who they love

If we all just stopped this endless hate
And instead thought of a good thing to do
Whether that is a compliment
Or simply a smile directed towards you

We could do it you see
Change the world quite soon
Since we understand that for differences
There is quite a lot of room

For different hobbies
Or pastimes
Or people that we love
There is time for all of that
In this world around


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