New Friends Become Old

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You thought you'd found a friend
That would be there till the end
And no matter what scenario
She always had a role
But then plans changed
And the person that was your sister
Suddenly lost time
For you that is, because everyone else was far to important
Then that friend you've had for so long
Suddenly vanished, before your eyes
I know I have problems
You were warned this from the start
But you said you'd be there
Now, you aren't
We would talk every night
And laugh everyday
But someone else
Has made you lose your way
You try to talk with me
But it's just not the same
Because you're not even listening
Something else in on your brain
So I do what I do best
I hid from the world
Lose so much rest
Over something most people
Wouldn't think twice about
Our conversations become few
And far in between
But I've come to terms with it
You've found your people
I'm no longer necessary
So I'm put on the back burner
Out of sight. Out of mind
But I'm still cooking
And I will eventually start a fire
You will then realize
What you've lost
But by then it will be far too late
I've lost my best friend
The one who promised they'd be there till the end
But where are they now?
I'm left as a shell
No friends
No nothing
Only a blade and a restless mind
So my friend
Just remember
You had a chance
But I can't stay in the background for much longer
For I will slowly dissipate
And that will be the end


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