I Am Getting Better

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I once thought I would never see the light again
That I would die before remembering real happiness

That I was unworthy of happiness
Since I had made so many mistakes And I was such a flawed person
I would never be be happy again

But now I know that is not the case
For every day it gets a little brighter then the last

Slowly, over a long period of time
I have learned that is not true
I am able to be happy
Only when I let go of all of the hate I have for myself

Although I have my struggles
I am getting better
Slowly but surely as the old saying goes
I see my life is not meant to end at this moment

I know I will encounter troubles
How important they are is yet to be known
I am learning, everyday that I am:

A friend
A daughter
A sister
A student
A shoulder to cry on
A person to laugh with
A fighter
And a survivor

I acknowledged I am deeply flawed and I will make mistakes in the future, this is definite
But I will no longer allow these things to define who I am
I Am More Than My Flaws
It has just taken me a while to see it


TherapyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora