Danger in the city

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My world was shrinking again. I was now teleported to earth and I felt a bit dizzy. I took a small break on the floor right next to my campfire. I look up to the sky and see that is night time.

Ace: I didn't realize that would take most my day away. Huh oh well, it is night time so I'll take rest.

|Four Hours Later|

Most of the night I was barely able to sleep, I was thinking of how i easy it would be for me to find my parents and everything will go back to normal, well minus me having my powers. But everything will be good when I unlock my four abilities. I got up and saw that the sun was starting to rise, my fire was out so it was a cold wake up. I stood up decided to start off my day with a walk

Ace: Ahhh can't wait to head to the city. I wonder which city or state I am. I don't recognize this city one bit. I hope I'm not far from where Im at.

I looked at the city and it looked so futuristic. It looked more futuristic than my city. Of course it is 2030. I walked towards the city to explore and gather information of my location and what city this is. I looked around saw TV's everywhere. There were commercials playing, I saw plenty of restaurants too. But too bad I didn't have money. Life will be a bit harder. I was watching the TV while it was streaming some News. I noticed on the bottom left corner that I was in Los Ángeles

Ace: Damn, how the hell did I get here? And how long was I asleep while I was kidnapped? Oh well too ba-

??: Hey You Kid

Ace: Huh?

I heard a voice on my right shoulder. I turn around and see a man standing right infront of me with 3 other people with him. They were all wearing the same outfit so I thought they were some kind of gang. They were wearing some type of super suit of somekind

??: Do you know where I can find a police station?

Ace: No, I'm kind of new to the city so I don't know my way around here. Why are you guys police officers.

??: Y-yes we are police officers. We are on a search for something and me and my crew are a bit lost.

Lost, how can police officers get lost. I always thought that police knew the whole city, no state for crying outloud.

Ace: Uh well no I don't, but will you guys atleast help me out and tell me where I am hehehe.

Police Officer: There is a map not far from here, it is two blocks to the left and turn right. C'mon bois, lets roll out.

Ace: Heh well good bye thanks....

I scan all four of these people.

Users Info
Name: Unknown Age: 34
Level: 3
Power Level: 6 [plus power suits = 12]

Ace: Wait what, power suits? What is that. Also why do I have a bad feeling that these aren't police officers. Ah oh well, this is another city so the style could be completely different.

We parted ways. I went to the location where the police officer told me, and there it was. The map of Los Angeles. It was easy to mesmerize everything because of gamers mind, without it, I would probably be lost. But now I know my way around thanks to gamers mind and this map. The only thing I wanted to do now is get stronger. I atleast want to be strong enough to match those police officers and there power suits. I was planning so many things. But some of them I need money. They are weights that can increase its weight once you get used to it, there is a gym not to far from here. There is a suit that will force you to do push up, sit ups, squats, jogging, and stretching. It will also electrify the user if it doesn't do enough pushups.

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