Ice Cream

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Calum said I had five minutes but I took ten. I had to change clothes, apply some light makeup, spray some perfume, and run a hairbrush through my tangled hair. Then I was pulling on my shoes and texting Calum a quick Be there in a second text. My mom encouraged me throughout the entire process, like a cheerleader. So my confidence level was way up when I stepped out onto the porch. But as I made my way to his car, that level slowly dropped.

His car windows were all open for some reason and I stopped on the curb just outside the passenger side door. He ducked his head down to look at me as I stood there for perhaps a second too long. Calum slowly smiled. "Come on kitten get in." He said. Rolling my eyes, I opened the car door and slid into the seat.

I was surprised at the state of his car. It was perfectly clean. I didn't expect that. "I took longer than five minutes." I pointed out to him as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Well I wasn't just going to drive away."

"You could have."

"But I didn't." He said, staring at me. I stared back, unsure of what to say next.

"We better go. We're dead if my brother catches us out here." Calum grinned and shifted gears.

"Don't worry about it Lily." He said grabbing my hand before gunning it down the street.

"I think you would drive a whole lot safer if you weren't holding my hand." Calum was driving way over the speed limit and I wondered if that was just for me or if he always does this. But he was serving in and out of lanes and barreling around corners, all with one hand.

"It's the same thing, watch." He said letting go of my hand for a faction of a second as we turned down another corner. He took my hand again. "I'm just a reckless driver."

"You could get us killed." I scolded him. Calum just smiled.

"Then your brother wouldn't have to do it." I laughed as he pulled into a parking lot.

"Where are we?" I questioned as he began taking off his seatbelt.

"I wanted something sweet and I'm not talking about you kitten." He winked at me and I blushed as I exited the car. The blinking lights of the Dairy Queen confuse me. He took me out for.. Ice cream? "Come on!" Calum said motioning for me to move faster while he tapped his foot.

"You're very impatient." I grumbled, shutting his car door and walking around it to stand next to him. He threw his arm around my shoulders and I tried my best not to shake it off. He was insufferable but he was also hot. I was torn again.

"I just like ice cream." Calum said smiling at me. This was a little weird. Where was I jerked off thinking about you Calum? Who was this Calum and why did he like ice cream so much?

I ordered a simple soft serve cone, even though Calum said I could have whatever I wanted. I was just too lazy to choose from all the different kinds of Blizzards they had. We sat at a small table inside the Dairy Queen quietly. I was still confused as to why our first date was an ice cream shop. I would have pegged him for a guy who counts making out in the backseat of his car as a date. Actually, that's what I expected when I saw his car.

"You should have ordered something else." Calum said. I looked up at him as I licked my ice cream.

"Why?" He slowly grinned, waiting for me to get it. I narrowed my eyes at him. "You are disgusting and I will throw this at you Calum." I threatened. Calum just laughed and shrugged. I pursed my lips as I watched him eat.

"What?" He finally asked.

"Why ice cream?"

"Because I like ice cream and I like you so why not eat ice cream with you." He paused. "Why were you expecting something else?"

"I thought you were going to make out with me in the backseat of your car and call it a date." Calum grinned.

"We can do that too." I rolled my eyes at him. Calum laughed.

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