The Hood Family

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"Calum." I hissed, shaking his shoulder as he leaned back in to kiss me. Calum sighed as he moved his hands higher up my thighs and looked up at me. It was after school and we were making out in his car, when he should have been at soccer practice. He told his coach he would be late, family emergency.

"Then this is incest." I had told him before he grabbed my hands and pulled me into the backseat.

"Something so wrong it has to be right." Calum said with a grin before kissing me. I had laughed at that.

The reason I had stopped kissing him though, was because he asked me to meet his family.

"What?" He asked lightly, cupping my cheek with his right hand. I bit my lip and leaned into his palm.

"I don't know.." I said lowly. "Your family? Are you sure?" I asked slowly.

"Of course I'm sure." He replied arching an eyebrow. "Come on, my parents know who you are already but they've never met you and they want to. My sister is pretty excited too." I smiled a little. His sister was very pretty. Model pretty. I made a joke once about how there was no way they could be related because Calum wasn't as hot as her. He had rolled his eyes at that.

"I just.." I paused.

"Scared they won't like you?" I didn't reply. I had only seen pictures of his parents and sister. What he was asking for, was me to sit down and talk to them, and possibly have dinner.

"It's not that I just.." I paused, thinking. "Okay, maybe it's that." Calum laughed lightly and kissed my cheek as I slid off his lap onto the middle seat next to him. "What will I tell my parents?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"The truth. Just ask them not to tell your brother." I singed and nodded. "So you'll come?"

"Yeah." I said waving him away. "When do you want me to meet them?"

"This Friday is fine." I groaned.

"Why this Friday?" I complained. "Couldn't it be next Friday?" Calum laughed and squeezed my hand.

"They're not that bad. They're actually pretty cool."

"I'm not scared of them Calum I'm.. I don't want them to meet me. What if they think I'm not good enough for you or that I'm weird or something."

"You're the one that's too good for me first off and it's fine Lil, really. You'll see. You're going to love them." I was finding that kind of hard to believe seeing as they were authority figures but not only that they were his parents. I'm not good with authority figures or parents. Dinner was going to be a nightmare.


"My moms making you your favorite." Calum said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it as we drove back to his house. Calum had just picked me up down the street that Friday and I was nervous as fuck as I tugged at the short sleeves of my floral top. I wrinkled my nose.

"Lasagna?" I asked him. Calum laughed, nodding. I perked up at the thought.

"I can't wait for you to meet them." Calum said excitedly. His enthusiasm was cute but it did nothing to help my churning stomach.

"Mom!" Calum shouted, closing the front door behind us. "Dad!" He continued, taking my hand. "I'm kind of surprised they're not staking out the front door actually." He murmured in my ear. As we stepped further into the living room two people appeared, a man and a women. I guessed they were his parents because he looked very similar to both of them.

"Hello sweetheart." His mom said, beaming proudly. "This is Lily?" She asked him.

"Yes. Mom and dad, my girlfriend Lily Karson." I smiled softly as they stepped forward.

"Oh how lovely to meet you but Calum I'm sure we've seen her somewhere." His mom says as she shakes my hand.

"I'm his best friends younger sister." I clarified.

"Ah yes, Jake. You two look very much alike." Funny, I thought I was the prettier of the two. "Calum tells me Jake doesn't know about you two." I shrugged sheepishly while his mom gasped lightly.

"Calum!" She scolded.

"My brother might tear him to ribbons." I said with a shrug.

"I'd like to see that happen." Calum snorted at someone who descended the stairs.

"You would miss me."

"Fat chance." His sister replied coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around him in a hug before kissing his temple. Calum scowled and shoved her away lightly but I could tell they were just teasing each other.

"We'll tell him eventually." I said turning back to his parents.

"Of course sweetheart, so whose hungry?" Calum, raised his hand, not that I expected anything different.

Calum's family was.. A little crazy. His sister, Mila-Koa and him fought nearly the entire dinner about everything and his parents were more than happy to share embarrassing childhood stories about Calum while he moaned and groaned about it. We ate dinner, dessert and even had tea together before I even looked at the time.

"Oh god, Calum." I called. He was talking to his dad but looked over when I said his name. "It's late." I told him, standing up. He glanced at the clock.

"Jesus it is." He murmured, grabbing his jacket. "I have to take her home. She has a curfew god I didn't even notice." He said walking towards the front door.

"Oh um it was so nice to meet you guys." I said enthusiastically as I received a hug from his sister, mother and even his father.

"Oh and it was so nice to meet you. Please come back dear!" His mother called out to me as Calum grabbed my hand and practically dragged me through the front door. They waved goodbye as we got into his car but I waited until we were down the street to say something.

"I don't have a curfew." I pointed out to him. Calum grinned.

"I know. I just wanted to get a chance to make out with you tonight." I blushed, my eyes going wide. "Did I mention how hot you look in that dress?"

"Calum." I scolded, rolling my eyes.

"It's true and you did so well with my parents baby." He continued, brining my hand to his lips and kissing my knuckles. I rolled my eyes.

"So where are we going?"

"Somewhere quiet." Calum said, glancing over at me with a grin.

"You flip a switch so quickly. One minute you're sweet and kind the next your this.."

"Incredible sexy guy who also happens to be an amazing kisser?" I rolled my eyes.

"A sarcastic, cocky asshole." I paused. "Who is also sexy." Calum laughed.

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